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Message ID: 6512
Date: Tue Sep 14 22:43:40 BST 1999
Author: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4
Subject: RE: Questions about the latest nerfing

I wholeheartedly agree with this. I would also venture an assumption that just
about every other class in the game would also agree that it makes sense. Since
Verant has already done it with Levitate, it should be easy to include a fix for
Selos. Perhaps we should give Verant some time to work out the kinks with the
new patch. I think the best course of action at this point is to go to the
alt.games.everquest newsgroup and support Faras' post on this subject. Brad
does read them so maybe we won't have to resort to a petition. If it doesn't
get fixed in a couple of weeks then we can take more formal measures if enough
people think it is warranted.

Galtin of E'ci (who needs to get to work but the number of posts today wont let

> In some ways it sucks that SoW overrides Selo's, but at least I no
> longer have to worry about braking a party member's SoW when cranking
> up the song. Ideally, songs such as Selo's, Water Breathing, and Aria
> of Eagles would temporarily override the spell equivalents when in
> effect, and then the spell effects would continue to have their effect
> once we stop singing. However, I'm not holding my breath. At the
> very least, I think we should ask for the ability to be able to turn
> off our own SoW effect, just as you can supposedly cancel your own
> levitation now.
> Purna Hodari of Quellious