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Message ID: 6521
Date: Tue Sep 14 23:23:55 BST 1999
Author: kim@xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: Re: Questions about the latest nerfing

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Jim Mattson wrote:
> In some ways it sucks that SoW overrides Selo's, but at least I no
> longer have to worry about braking a party member's SoW when cranking
> up the song. Ideally, songs such as Selo's, Water Breathing, and Aria
> of Eagles would temporarily override the spell equivalents when in
> effect, and then the spell effects would continue to have their effect
> once we stop singing. However, I'm not holding my breath. At the

That's a good point. I know Aria of Eagles suffers from the
same problem (overriding the levitate spell), and Aquatic Ayre
probably does as well. That they're concentrating only on the
SoW fix really makes me wonder if anyone who works there even
plays a bard.

John H. Kim