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Message ID: 6519
Date: Tue Sep 14 23:20:24 BST 1999
Author: kim@xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: Re: revenge is sweet you know...

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, CYR, Thierry wrote:
> When a kiter is hassling you, get some pumice and haul it around with you,
> it has effect of dispell. So if a druid sow's you you can remove it. Or even
> better if he for instance is kiting a giant, he's using sow, and his giant
> is snared, dispell them both and watch him get out of this one, this has

Supposedly pumice stones have been changed to dispel only a
single effect rather than four. Since they only carry 5
charges (for 15pp) and most mobs that buff buff themselves
with several effects, using these stones effectively just
became 4 times more expensive and 4 times more difficult.

> been very usefull for us when a couple of high level shamans tried to steal
> our very nasty named hill giant once. (Brood Bloodbeard). they had to back
> off to rebuff themselves hence letting us get more damage. Its such a pain
> in the butt when you spend over half an hour on a rare and someone tries to
> steal it like that. We got the kill, got 2pp each from it and a set of
> giant toes, great rare verant! oh and Ocylis ogrebane (or whatever its
> name is) the cyclops had junk like this too. Both are 40+ mobs and have
> tons and tons of hp. Killing zazamoukth was easier then brood

What did you expect? It's a wandering mob. Nearly all the
good items can only be attained by camping. If you try to
play by wandering and exploring, you're going to get mostly
crap for loot, even from the named mobs.

By the way, when a druid, necro, or shaman tries to steal
something from you, make sure you hit the mob with cancel
magic (or use a pumice stone) to get rid of their DoT. My
friends and I had a druid steal the froglok shin lord from us
while we were trying to get Ghoulbane for our paladin. I
discovered that although charm clears the damage list, if a
DoT is in effect throughout the charm, the stealer still gets
credit for damage done by that DoT.

John H. Kim