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Message ID: 6518
Date: Tue Sep 14 23:14:01 BST 1999
Author: jhenders@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Re: was: Fear/Chain, is not cheesy Re: good bards

On Tue, Sep 14/99, JasonF <JasonF@...> wrote:
> It's gotten to the point where I would consider abandoning my 21st level bard
> on Fennin Ro and start a new bard on another server if I thought the people
> were friendlier. What do you people on the (slightly) less busy servers have
> to say? Are they any friendlier?

Fennin Ro probably has a very high percentage of beta players who
typically wouldn't be quite as thick as the players you seem to
encounter. Being as you are L21 however, you probably won't be grouping
with too many as they probably are all higher level than you. As to
other servers, a newer server might have some smarter players, but
after the first few weeks they would probably outlevel you as well.

This is part of why I have grown tired of the game. Given there's not
much to do at L49 where I am now, I've tried starting new characters
both on my own server and on new servers, and I really find the run of
the mill people I can find to group with to be extremely bad at playing
the game (in general, there obviously are exceptions) As I was in with
the group of people who were among first to make 50 on my server, I am
used to playing with people who are extremely good at playing their
characters and understand how to play well with other characters as
well. I can really sympathise now with the frustration of people playing
lower level characters trying to group as it's much harder to find good
players to group with from what I can see, unless you run across some
experienced players playing their other characters, and they are likely
to outlevel you quickly so you won't be able to play with them for long.

Artificial Intelligence stands no chance against Natural Stupidity.
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b+++ e* s-/+ n-(?) h++ f+g+ w+++ y*