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Message ID: 6516
Date: Tue Sep 14 23:11:10 BST 1999
Author: Jamie
Subject: Re: Re: was: Fear/Chain, is not cheesy Re: good bards

If you're looking to play on a less populated server, check out the test
server. Theres normally less than 300 people on that server, and pretty
much everyone knows everyone else from what I've read. I would play there
if I didn't have 4 characters in a guild on Tunare.
----- Original Message -----
From: JasonF <JasonF@...>
To: <eqbards@onelist.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 1999 5:34 PM
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Re: was: Fear/Chain, is not cheesy Re: good bards

> From: "JasonF" <JasonF@...>
> Sigh.
> <Crier stares into the distance imagining what it would be like to have a
> group listen to her advice.>
> It would be so nice if a group I was in would listen to me when I tell
> things like this. Maybe I'm just not tactful enough (although I genuinely
> to be), but when I get into a group of 5 or 6 people there's always at
> one guy (and usually more) who just doesn't "get it", or says "Who made
> God?" when I try and tell them that I can control the fight.
> > "Everyone needs to /assist the puller"
> > "Do not switch targets unless I say"
> > "Do not use AOE effects or spells"
> > "Do not DoT the mob you arent fighting"
> Sorry for the cursing, but this sort of advice is generally greeted with a
> "Fuck you. Check this bossy bard out... Don't tell me how to play my
> character.", usually from a warrior or a necromancer (often Dark Elves for
> some reason). I implore my group to let me lullaby mobs and yet they
> to, fight after fight, attack multiples. Even if I stand there and lull,
> lull, lull shouting "use assist", "use assist", "fight one", "fight one"
> just won't do it. This isn't just one group, it's probably 8 out of 10.
> discouraging.
> Part of my problem might be that I play on Fennin Ro. That server is
> ALWAYS at the bottom of the list when sorted by number of players.
> 1,700 or 1,800, even on a weeknight. Weekends, forget it. I've seen
> Ro hit 1,900. Them's some crowded zones. Playing EQ on Fennin Ro is
> oftentimes like playing Quake. Four groups camp something and the instant
> spawns they're all blasting for all they're worth. I have gotten to the
> where I refuse to play in Highpass Hold. The people camping the Orcs are
> of the rudest, Kill Stealing-est, nastiest and most juvenile players I've
> encountered in any game.
> It's gotten to the point where I would consider abandoning my 21st level
> on Fennin Ro and start a new bard on another server if I thought the
> were friendlier. What do you people on the (slightly) less busy servers
> to say? Are they any friendlier?
> > After this group broke up, I joined one of the best groups I have ever
> > been in. We had me, a warrior, a shadow knight, a paladin, a ranger and
> > shaman all level 30-34 and we were fighting in the throne room. I was
> > using Pixie Strike (my new favoirte song), Lullaby, Anthem, Hymn, Psalm
> > Cooling and Constant Chain depending on the situation and we were the
> > group there for a few hours. We cleared both floors of the house and
> > about a 5 minute break before things started respawning. It was simply
> > amazing... We handled some insane pulls (2 heralds, 1 justicar, 1
> > 1 zealot, 1 fanatic), never started a train, never died, and gained a
> > of experience (a bubble and a half of level 30 in 4 hours) and cash
> > after selling the 10 fine steel weapons I got). Best of all.. i never
> > unequipped my lute :).
> > The tactics for various situations were:
> > 1 non-caster: twist Anthem, Hymn and Psalm of Cooling. If the ranger
> > couldnt snare it, Chain it when it starts to run.
> > 1 caster: Pixie Strike over and over and over to interrupt the spells.
> > This is very effective against the shaman we were fighting as it stopped
> > the heals.
> > 2 non casters: Pixie Strike until it succeeds, then Hymn, repeat. Keep
> > the mob that isnt being attacked messed and still heal everyone.. Save
> > that shaman mana. When one dies, switch to the 1 mob scenario
> > 2 casters or mixed: Lullaby over and over again. This will interrupt
> > caster(s) and keep one mob sleeped most of the time. When 1 dies, switch
> > to the 1 mob scenario
> > 3 or more: Lullaby over and over again. Most mobs are sleeping which
> > helps when there are multiple healers.
> > For these tactics to work you MUST teach everyone to /assist the puller.
> > It usually takes about 30 minutes to convince the meleers who arent used
> > to grouping with an enchanter or a bard to usually ignore the mobs who
> > for the shaman or the new mob that just spawned and joined in and let me
> > handle it. So drill it into their heads:
> > "Everyone needs to /assist the puller"
> > "Do not switch targets unless I say"
> > "Do not use AOE effects or spells"
> > "Do not DoT the mob you arent fighting" (this happened twice last night
> > and I couldnt mesmerize the mob off the dotter.. he learned)
> > and best of all when you first join the group or when someone new
> > "Hello my name is Celandro Spellsong and I will be your substitute
> > enchanter for the night. Adjust your play accordingly."
> >
> > Celandro Spellsong
> > 30 Bard Povar
> > Wannabe enchanter
> >
> >
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