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Message ID: 6515
Date: Tue Sep 14 23:11:02 BST 1999
Author: kim@xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: RE: Test Results of Some Songs

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4 wrote:
> 3) Chain is resisted more but works better. Yesterday John Kim posted some
> numbers that Chain reduced attack speed by around 25%. Does that mean with
> the new changes this % is even higher. For the more experienced bards, is
> this a good thing or would you rather have a higher chance for the spell to
> work and keep the 25% reduced attack rate?

No, the attack speed reduction has always been there, even
when I first tested it some two months ago when I first got
Chain. I only retested it because some people were insisting
that it stacked with Binding, which wasn't what I found when I
first tested it. As far as I know, there has been no change
to the degree of attack slowdown.

Btw, I got to test the L12 enchanter attack slowdown (Languid
Pace) and it appears to be identical to Binding and Chain.
Unfortunately, since I tested it with my enchanter, I didn't
get to check if it stacked with Chain. :-)

John H. Kim