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Message ID: 6517
Date: Tue Sep 14 23:13:20 BST 1999
Author: kim@xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: RE: alt.games.everquest

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Kimes, Dean W. wrote:

> carry around over 1 backpack of stuff if I did. Why does Verant think the
> solution to everything is to make an item no drop. Bizzarely the Bozemite
> Pestle, which to my knowledge no one has figured out the use for is now No
> Drop. Honey Jum on the other hand, while it now requires considerable
> faction and 30gp instead of 5gp to obtain, is not. Go figure. Why should I
> have to carry this stupid emerald shard halfway across Norrath to get the
> other piece, when it would be so much more sensible to put it in the bank
> while searching for the other piece. Sigh, thank goodness it doesn't weigh
> 10 lbs.

The problem isn't no-drop. The problem is that no-drop items
will not go into your bank box, which is a completely stupid
bug they've just been too lazy to fix.

And I had to destroy two staff pieces of an as yet unsolved
quest, because they *did* weigh 10 pounds.

John H. Kim