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Message ID: 6536
Date: Wed Sep 15 06:52:37 BST 1999
Author: Ilkka Salmenkaita
Subject: Bard hate

> From: firehawk@...
> Bard Hate (since toned down but still there)
> In order to keep casters such as clerics from existing in
>impunity during group combat, AI was given a "threat indicator"
>however someone decided the bards ability to assist a group
>and effect AE but Bards to the top of the kill them now group.

Heh, I had an extreme case of bard hate yesterday when logged
on for just a few minutes. I was down at the aviak tree, just logging
on for a few minutes. Well, saw this magician battling a centaur
something, blue to me at 28th. Had my Selo up.. I am 100% certain
I did NOTHING to attack the centaur. But lo and behold, suddenly
it decides to attack me! And heck, the earth elemental was STILL
pounding on it. The centaur galloped few steps towards me, I was
mystified, thinking maybe it was feared. The elemental used its
spell on it, and it turned back to the elemental for a second. Then
again, it took few steps towards me. It was truly weird...

It ended up with the centaur turning on me, went for a small run
with hymn/selo (had just jumped off aviak tree top platform ;),
and then I started to sing it down. The damn bugger was 27th
level, hitting for 58. Good thing there were these couple of
helpful fellows that helped me with the last pixels of the centaurs
and mine health =P I think I went down to 2pixels before they
got out of meditate ;)

And no, centaurs are not aggressive to me =)

- Ilkka Salmenkaita, isalmen@...