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Message ID: 6541
Date: Wed Sep 15 14:35:27 BST 1999
Author: James Schuldes
Subject: RE: Bard hate

It's not just Bard hate(tm) -- its whacko Cents.

In past 2 weeks - I been attacked 3 time by Cents - and I was doing nothing
but Selos - one time nothing at all! (ok I was chatting but shoulda been
playing something - cuz a bard should always be singing something Bard Union
rule 101.)

Normally, I'd climb aboard the Black Flying Carpet and go with Bard hate
theory but I saw several others who are not bards have this same thing

One guy was a ranger in his 20's - and he got bushwhacked a cent. I was
helping a guy loc his corpse and we found it northwest but still insight of
the SK bridge. While he is looting, there is this "death" noise (sound
effect) and this body (the ranger) falls to the ground right next to me!
Like when a monk does feign death. I jumped a couple feet outta my chair!!!
There was nobody any where near and alla sudden WHAMMO death noise.

So I give the guy a tell with his loc and ask what happened. He says he was
by the Lake Rathe zone and got ambushed by a Cent. Course now he don't
believe me when I tell him his corpse is insight of the stone bridge. I
keep telling him but he wants to keep looking. Fine, I say spend a couple
hours looking down there - but I tell ya I see it right here. Eventually he
does come to where I say and get his stuffs.

Weird - no? First an unprovoked Cent attack then a fall thru the world to a
safe spot death.

Sylly Songsynger
Bard of the 25th song
<Spirit of the Moon>
somewhere on Innoruuk

-----Original Message-----
From: Ilkka Salmenkaita [mailto:isalmen@...]
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 1999 12:53 AM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: [eqbards] Bard hate

From: "Ilkka Salmenkaita" <isalmen@...>

Heh, I had an extreme case of bard hate yesterday when
on for just a few minutes. I was down at the aviak tree,
just logging
on for a few minutes. Well, saw this magician battling a
something, blue to me at 28th. Had my Selo up.. I am 100%
I did NOTHING to attack the centaur.