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Message ID: 6832
Date: Mon Sep 20 17:52:55 BST 1999
Author: kim@xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: Less useful skills

I trained disarm traps. Ignoring for the moment that there
are no traps in the game to disarm, does anyone know how we're
supposed to disarm traps when we don't get locate traps?
Relying on a rogue to locate the traps for you is pointless
since he'll be better at disarming them. And finding traps by
triggering them is also pointless since once they're triggered
they don't need to be disarmed (unless of course they're
designed to be continuous, which would seem to make locate
traps useless).

I've been using instll doubt and actually had it work a couple
times. Last night, while I was invisible, I used instill
doubt on a dark elf seargant in Nektulos. He gave the
standard wood-elves-must-die cry, then said he was hit by 1
point of non-melee damage, followed immediately by a message
saying I'd kicked him. Then he ran away (due to the skill
working). Huh?

I've been playing around with beg as well. Apparently you can
beg from monsters and mage pets, but not ships and PCs. I
tried begging from a merchant and a guard in East Commonlands.
In both cases, they immediately killed a wandering monster
nearby. It might've been coincidence, but I have to wonder.
I've seen guards kill players for begging from them before, so
I was expecting them to attack me.

Sneak... I've heard rogues say they use sneak to make
merchants indifferent to them. I can do the same thing with
hide, but haven't been able to do it with sneak, even when I
sneak successfully (move like a glacier). I'll have to test
it by trying to sneak past some mobs. I suppose it's possible
the skill is broken for non-rogues.

I hit 35 this weekend. By my timings, 34 with a mistmoore
drum is just short of running twice as fast as normal, 35 with
a mistmoore drum is just a hair faster than twice as fast.
I'm getting quite a few /tells from younger bards and druids
and shamen asking how the h*ll I run so fast. :-) One
downside is that I'm taking damage again from falls while
running over rough terrain. Perhaps we should add to whatever
petition is going around to have our cap on safe fall increase
by one point per level or so? Or they could just increase the
gravitational constant of the universe so that we stick closer
to the ground *snicker*...

John H. Kim