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Message ID: 6892
Date: Tue Sep 21 23:07:25 BST 1999
Author: Greg Gillan
Subject: RE: Petiton to replace level 14 song

Well, I for one like the level 14 song. As more and more lore items are
appearing, this song is becoming more and more useful. Ever find a lore
item and have no idea what quest its for? This song will often give you a

Let me also respond to your suggestions:

>>1) A combination heal/stamina song that combines Jaxan's and Hymn. The
>>power of the song can either be the same as the two original songs or
>>down versions, perhaps 75% of the original values.

If you want the combined power of these songs, why don't you just twist them
together? Or are you saying that you'll like the equivelent of being able
to play an extra song at the same time?

>>2) A song that increases agility and/or increases the Dodge skill. The
>>amount increased would be similar to the DEX increase you get when you
>>Chant of Battle. Song would affect the entire party. Equipping an
>>instrument, most likely the drum, would increase the effect of the song.

An agility song already exists. It combines around 15 or 20 agility with an
approximate 20-25% attack speed increase. Level 36 if I recall.

>>3) A song that would teleport the bard to the nearest bards guild. This
>>song would have to have some serious constraints placed on it in order for
>>Verant to even consider adding it. Perhaps only usable in outdoor zones
>>dungeons) and/or while not in combat. Should also require a high skill
>>level in the instrument that is required to play it. If you miss a note
>>fail, the song button grays out for a specified amount of time before you
>>can try it again.

This will never happen. This is like a warrior asking to have the gate
spell. We already run faster than anyone else. To expect this would just
be silly.

>>4) A song that has a major taunt effect above and beyond that or normal
>>bard songs. Useful in those situations where your casters are getting
>>mauled and you can't pull them off with normal means. Also useful if
>>someone is close to dying and the mob has frenzied on them.

The level 26 charm spell is IMHO the most effective technique in the game
for pulling a mob off a caster.

>>5) A song that binds a bard to his current location. I don't think this
>>one would ever have a chance of getting approved but we can include it if
>>thats what everyone wants.

Never happen. Like gate, this is solely the realm of pure casters, and I'm
just as happy that it stays there, or should we also give all the casters

If we were to generate a petition, I think more important issues should be

1) Where the hell are our missing songs?!
2) Why do half our skills cap at such a ridiculously low level that they
aren't even worth using?
3) Is our level 22 song Alenias Disenchanting Melody broken? If not, what
the hell is it supposed to do?
4) Why do certain of our songs (Lullaby, Pixie Strike) work find against
monsters, but have absolutely no effects verses players in duels?
5) Why do our songs get stuck due to lag, or when magical effects wear off
(i.e. Guise of the Deciever)
6) Why the $#%@#$ does my drum still look like a small wooden twig? And why
does a mino horn now look like a small burlap sack?
7) How about some high level bard quests?

I'm sorry if this sounds a little harsh, but I'm sick and tired of seeing
petition after petition saying "my monk should get bind" or "my wizard
should be able to wear plate armor". In my opinion, Bards are the most
versitile class in the game, and the most fun to play. We have more
abilities than anyone else, and we get to use one of the widest ranges of
equipment in the game. Please stop trying to make this class into something
it was never meant to be, and play your bard as it was meant to be played.

Elwyn Heartstring
Level 40 Bard
Erollisi Marr