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Message ID: 7012
Date: Wed Sep 22 22:27:04 BST 1999
Author: Mike.Langlois@xxxxxxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Re: Petiton to replace level 14 song

From: "Wayne Sheppard" <mrwayne@...>

Actually, even though I'd prefer this over any other modification of the 14th
lvl song, I'm not suggesting that Bards *need* bind. This is just in response
to the question put to the list. However...

>Repeat after me:
>Bards will never get Binding. Bards will never get Binding. Bards will
>never get Binding......

Bards will never get Binding. Bards will never get Binding. Bards will
never get Binding......

>> The other hybrids don't get bind...but we aren't really a hybrid class.
>> other hybrid is a warrior/specific magic class.

>Bards are complete hybrids. Bards are warrior/casters (if you equate
>casting to singing). And with the mix of song types, they are a hybrid of
>many different casters.

I'm using hybrid in a specific sense...a proper noun as it were. Not in the
generic sense of being a cross of any two things. In EQ, a Hybrid class is a
warrior crossed with one particular class. Therefore it's spells are a subset
of only that class. IE, a shadowknight is a warrior with some necro spells.

Bards are not a Hybrid in this sense, as we are not crossed with any other
class. What we do have, are songs that emulate, but (and I must stress this)
are NOT other class spells. The SK gets actual necro spells. The bard doesn't
get any classes spells. We get spells that have similar effects.

>>As a result, they get magic
>> plus superior battle skills. Since our battle skills are less than all
>> hybrids...really on par with clerics if truth be told,

>And Bards have much better battle skills than a cleric. It isn't even
>close. Bards are much closer to Rangers than Clerics in combat abilities.

I must defer to you in this, as I'm only 13th level with my Bard, so I don't
know what kind of divergence occurs later. However, at my level, the cleric I
party with is just as effective in melee as I am, and with a higher AC. Happens
to be better right now, because she's using a cleric only magic weapon that is
pretty nice...but that's beside the point :)

>> then perhaps we can get a
>> pure caster attribute like bind to make up for it.

>To make up for it? Bards have many advantages over the other hybrids in
>magical abilities. Name one other hybrid that can do damage in all these
>ways: DD, AOE DD, DOT, Damage Shield. Bards can increase just about every
>stat and resistance.

>Bards might be less combat worthy compared to other hybrids, but they have
>much better spells.

I'll agree that we get a wider spectrum of effects, I don't know that I would go
as far as saying that they are better. While a Paladin doesn't get the Hymn, he
can save your life in a bad combat with his heal, and a Bard can't. When you're
getting hit for 30 points a hit, the few points per tick you get from hymn won't
cut it. Just an example.

In any case, I agree this is unlikely, but my main point is that we get a song
to cover just about every type of spell out there...

What's wrong with adding bind to the types of spells we emulate? We have no
problem with emulating DD, DoT, Heal, Speed, Teleport, Levitate, Invis, ad
nauseum...so what's wrong with Bind?

Golias, Solusek Ro