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Message ID: 7100
Date: Thu Sep 23 21:30:26 BST 1999
Author: Kimes, Dean W.
Subject: RE: gandering and Tommy Lee was Petiton to replace level 14 song

Oh that should make for some interesting conversations. Now we just need a
petition to replace some of the PvP zones with Adult zones.

You walk into Hogcaller's third story...

Warning, You have entered an Adult area if your Station is underage
you will be booted in thirty seconds.

To be followed with Loading...Please wait
for anyone underage.

And don't give me any guff about what if my kid is playing on my account
stuff as that's a violation of the user agreement anyhow no matter how
common it might be.

Kitasi (Obviously bored at work)

From: Zoie <valkry@...>
If you aren't the groom, you shouldn't be "gandering" the bride, and if you
are....Verant kindly left us many empty rooms to find (but how 'bout a suite
a hot tub?). Go off and have a nice cozy RP (but use /g or /t for your
please....we don't need the Norrath version of the Pam/Tommy video) ;)

> I didn't mean to imply that *I* look like Pamela Lee, merely that I enjoy
> gander certain members of the finer sex, and I don't find any problem with
> these resemblances <grins>