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Message ID: 7385
Date: Thu Sep 30 15:30:55 BST 1999
Author: Lange, Stephen
Subject: An Unforeseen Benefit

I play my bard on Prexus and am called Orchestro (Level 9). I just wanted
to say something about a highly unforeseen effect the Bard class has had for
me, and for my play in game. That effect being: 1) Money, and 2) Role
Playing Fun.

Let me explain, I have played since the release of the game under various
guises, Druid, Ranger, Cleric, Necromancer, Enchanter, Paladin, Ive tried a
lot of em. With all of the classes I have played where I didnt actively try
to role play a lot (Its damn difficult to roleplay a druid all the time, I
mean, people get sick of you after a while), I always found myself falling
into a rut. After X amount of time, I would start to get bored, and find
myself looking for something new.

Admittantly as I gradually migrated to trying more difficult classes my
skills became better, when finally I decided to try a Bard. You know what I
have found? First and foremost it is the easiest class to role play. I can
set up shop outside any town, in the tunnel to Ro, approach high level
characters with Lute and hand and automatically have two things:

1) An opportunity to sing songs/ditties I have written, or read.
2) An avenue to approach high level character without them thinking: What
the hell
does he want?
3) A great way to make money.

I have made about 120P so far from singing alone. Its amazing when you get
a gathering of people who are listening to your music and they start giving
you donations. I have have low and high level people alike give me nice
donations (47P from one DE player is the record!), beause people like to be
given a chance to role play. They want an avenue to take a break from the
hack and slash game. The taverns are unused, there is no reason from a
player to go there, we are the key to keeping interest I think.

I have been told that my songs entertain, that it was a great break, its
just a great feeling you get performing. Although I was a bit dissapointed
when I had 2 GM's there listening and not 1 copper piece they donated :=)

All in all, I am truly surprise by the fun and profit making I can have with
my Bard.

Two changes I would like to see added would be:

1) An addition to the Speech box (where you can click, Group, Say, Tell,
etc.) to include: Sing. When clicked anything you typed would appear as:

Orchestro sings, "Hello my love,"

Its *REALLY* annoying to have an emote line come back with the help line
because I typed in some character that negated it.

:sings, Hello my love, two things I have:
might bomb it..

2) A /play command. I love being able to strum my lute, but I hate that I
have to play the healing song to do it. I dont like people seeing "You
wounds begin to heal" when I am just trying to play my instrument. It would
be nice to be able to do /play to instigate the playing animation, it would
also be REALLY nice to have the /play command actually start a song playing
on their speaker

Anyway, just a few thoughts, I really like this class so far, I fondly
remember each and every performance that made my barbed whip purchase
possible, and it will always be special to me.

If your a bard on Prexus, and generally play later in the night, ala
10:30-2AM CST, please drop me a note and maybe we can get together and put
on a mini concert somewhere. I am currently in Freeport.


P.S. If any bards here on Prexus have an old mistmoor drum for sale due to
an upgrade to selo's drum, please let me know.