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Message ID: 7387
Date: Thu Sep 30 16:34:52 BST 1999
Author: JasonF
Subject: Re: An Unforeseen Benefit


This is great to hear. I'm glad that others are enjoying their bardish
talents as much as I am. While I don't role-play as much as you appear to, I
do appreciate it when it's presented to me. I would donate to you as well!

I think your /sing command idea is wonderful! Even though I don't role play
very much I would be wonderful to be able to sing various things to my group!
I can envision this being used a lot for roleplaying, or just for general

I've been playing with a Dwarven Cleric on Fennin Ro named Dindolar lately.
While this guy doesn't exactly roleplay either, he's terrific to have in my
group. He's very witty and talkative and stimulates others in the group to be
that way (and he knows how to play a Cleric too!). He has a bunch of macros
set up that say things like "Dindolar pops open a fresh can of Sta-Fit instant
mana." when he sits down to med. Another one says "Dindolar crunches down on
a Troll flavored jawbreaker with a creamy mana center." This is the kind of
thing that I would probably do with a /sing command.

I've played several classes too and think that bards are the best by quite a
margin of the ones that I tried. I took a monk to level 23 as my first
character knowing that he would be simpler to run than the magic using
classes. He was great to get a hang of EQ with but I definitely got bored
with him. He was also dirt-poor all the time because he couldn't loot (14
pounds weight limit for monks). I mean, what's there to NOT like about bard?
We don't need mana and yet we can heal, buff, charm, mez, give clarity, do DD
and DoTs. We scream across the landscape faster than any other class, we can
wear most armor, we get a new "spell" every level instead of every four
levels, our songs automatically effect the entire party WITHOUT mana usage.
Damn. I better shut up before Verant nerfs me!

Crier Sharpsong - 25th song bard on Fennin Ro

Jason A. Farqu´┐¢
CDI at http://www.pigging.com/

----- Original Message -----
From: Lange, Stephen <SLANGE@...>
To: Eqbards (E-mail) <eqbards@onelist.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 1999 9:30 AM
Subject: [eqbards] An Unforeseen Benefit

> From: "Lange, Stephen" <SLANGE@...>
> I play my bard on Prexus and am called Orchestro (Level 9). I just wanted
> to say something about a highly unforeseen effect the Bard class has had for
> me, and for my play in game. That effect being: 1) Money, and 2) Role
> Playing Fun.
> Let me explain, I have played since the release of the game under various
> guises, Druid, Ranger, Cleric, Necromancer, Enchanter, Paladin, Ive tried a
> lot of em. With all of the classes I have played where I didnt actively try
> to role play a lot (Its damn difficult to roleplay a druid all the time, I
> mean, people get sick of you after a while), I always found myself falling
> into a rut. After X amount of time, I would start to get bored, and find
> myself looking for something new.
> Admittantly as I gradually migrated to trying more difficult classes my
> skills became better, when finally I decided to try a Bard. You know what I
> have found? First and foremost it is the easiest class to role play. I can
> set up shop outside any town, in the tunnel to Ro, approach high level
> characters with Lute and hand and automatically have two things:
> 1) An opportunity to sing songs/ditties I have written, or read.
> 2) An avenue to approach high level character without them thinking: What
> the hell
> does he want?
> 3) A great way to make money.
> I have made about 120P so far from singing alone. Its amazing when you get
> a gathering of people who are listening to your music and they start giving
> you donations. I have have low and high level people alike give me nice
> donations (47P from one DE player is the record!), beause people like to be
> given a chance to role play. They want an avenue to take a break from the
> hack and slash game. The taverns are unused, there is no reason from a
> player to go there, we are the key to keeping interest I think.
> I have been told that my songs entertain, that it was a great break, its
> just a great feeling you get performing. Although I was a bit dissapointed
> when I had 2 GM's there listening and not 1 copper piece they donated :=)
> All in all, I am truly surprise by the fun and profit making I can have with
> my Bard.
> Two changes I would like to see added would be:
> 1) An addition to the Speech box (where you can click, Group, Say, Tell,
> etc.) to include: Sing. When clicked anything you typed would appear as:
> Orchestro sings, "Hello my love,"
> Its *REALLY* annoying to have an emote line come back with the help line
> because I typed in some character that negated it.
> :sings, Hello my love, two things I have:
> might bomb it..
> 2) A /play command. I love being able to strum my lute, but I hate that I
> have to play the healing song to do it. I dont like people seeing "You
> wounds begin to heal" when I am just trying to play my instrument. It would
> be nice to be able to do /play to instigate the playing animation, it would
> also be REALLY nice to have the /play command actually start a song playing
> on their speaker
> Anyway, just a few thoughts, I really like this class so far, I fondly
> remember each and every performance that made my barbed whip purchase
> possible, and it will always be special to me.
> If your a bard on Prexus, and generally play later in the night, ala
> 10:30-2AM CST, please drop me a note and maybe we can get together and put
> on a mini concert somewhere. I am currently in Freeport.
> -Orchestro
> Prexus
> P.S. If any bards here on Prexus have an old mistmoor drum for sale due to
> an upgrade to selo's drum, please let me know.
> >