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Message ID: 7685
Date: Mon Oct 4 11:28:16 BST 1999
Author: hho@xxxxxxxxxxxx.xx
Subject: Binding or not...

Just skimmed through 4xdigests.. Reading most about binding and skipping all the
melee<->caster class msgs.
I must say that many of you have made some pretty good arguments about binding
or not. as stated in my last letter here I dident feel the need for bards or
other melee/combo-classes to be able to bind themselves. I still dont see that
need as my number one (or teenth for that matter) wish, and I from what I gather
what (most) people want is just the ability to be bound the same places as those
who can bind themselves?
On that I still dont quite agree, but maybe a slight increase in bindspots or
shortcuts to the most distant zones could come into question, but really as
things are now, I will be bold and say that well if you really feel the need to
be able to be bound anywhere, play a class that can bind. If you cant live
without the bind spell, then a bard, warrior, ranger, shadowknight, paladin,
rogue is properly not your kind of class.
Let us morons who dont mind running the 1208402 (or 2-3 which is much more
common) zones to get our corpse play the other classes. I still think that I can
get to almost any zone within a reasonble amount of time (even getting a
teleport is not that difficualt as the servers mature). And getting a bind have
almost never been more than 10 mins wait (Erud still exepted) and during my
primetime hours the servers are half empty (20:00 is around 12:00 in the
states), maybe I'm just plain lucky.

So bottom line for me is. Aslong as the classes are so balanced that enough
people choose to play all them and arent forced to choose their class based on
the fact that its the only way to survive. I dont think that Verant should
change the way bind or anything else works. I also think that the fact that all
classes bitch and moan so much over they cant do this or that is a pretty good
indication that the classes are pretty well balanced.
So getting me to sign a petition demanding all to be able to get bound anywhere
is only going to happen if the the server pop. is getting an overweight of full
casters because people cant handle running through zones. IMO this must be the
indication of how balanced the classes is:
do enough people play them? if not what is wrong? and how do we correct it? I am
sure that Verant are keeping a tight eye on how the class/races develop on the
different servers. I know I would if I was developer. Not that I mind people
shouting about what they think are wrong though, keeping Verant on their toes is
a good thing.

Well my ramblings is over for now.. and no I dont play 24/7 nor am I paid by
verant ;o) Just really happy with the game as it is.

Musiker Silverdrum, woodelf bard lvl 21, bertox
Bagkal Troll shadowknight lvl 10, bertox

P.S. the petition (or letter which i prefer to call it) to GZ is looking good to
me :o)
P.P.S Okay so my english suck... Shot me.. Better to have you guys do it than my
boss for sitting here at work mailing to eqbards, hehe