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Message ID: 7855
Date: Tue Oct 5 19:39:07 BST 1999
Author: kim@xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: RE: Twinking

On Tue, 5 Oct 1999, James Schuldes wrote:
> It would be an entirely different game if......
> 1. There was no camping/farming (lots of good ways to fix this - don't
> really matter how)
> 2. There were no Kill Stealing (again good ways to fix and perhaps we
> are actually gonna see some implemented.)
> 3. There was no internet (ie: spolier sites and instant flow of
> information)

Yup. If any of you are in this industry or planning to join,
keep this in mind: Whatever your concept for a multiplayer
game, the least common denominator will work harder than you
to make the game fit their concept, not yours. Plan carefully
to thwart this.

> But that's not the way it is so we end up with a player driven economy. My
> group has lots of money and we buy the stuff we want/need and simply avoid
> the ks'ing campers.

Unfortunately, many of the folks selling this stuff *are* the
KSing campers or their mules. I only buy from people and
guilds I know don't stoop to KSing.

> We did have one really lucky night in the Tae room in
> Cazic and got some rubi panties. The next night was KS-Hell and we have not
> been back. Stoopid Kyle, does he really think that we don't have see invis?
> So the moron sits by the throne.

One "solution" we stumbled upon was to not break up the
spawns. Take them on all at once, with the item-dropping mob
in the middle or last (assuming you have the place to yourself
at the start). Some friends and I were in the foreman room to
get a scimitar as a gift for a friend (L38 druid and still
using a combine scimitar, tsk tsk), when some druid way too
low level to hold the room alone came by invisible and sat.
We explained what we were doing, and offered to tell her when
we finished. She shrugged and brushed us off. So I just made
my whole group invisible. First goblin spawned, she attacked
it. Second goblin spawned about 30 seconds later. Then the
third goblin spawned 30 seconds after that. When she dropped
below half health, I told her to yell if she needed help.
After a few more hits, she reluctantly asked for help, which
we did. We'd made our point - she couldn't hold/break the
room without us there. So she left.

> Also have great armor is only marginally better that having "average"
> armors. It looks a whole lot better! But the real "twink" for power is in
> stat jewelry, stat items, and uber-weapons. Those things will make a decent
> difference in your performance. Armor is just the most visible twink.

Yup. A L40 druid friend was asking me questions because her
AC in leather was higher than a like-level dwarven warrior's
AC in plate and crafted. I played around with my armor and
agility a bit, and figured out that her agility (126 or so)
was significantly multiplying the AC of all her armor pieces.
The dwarf only had an agility of 80, so was receiving very
little AC bonus.

I still need to test the "armor absorption" theory. When I
tested it 10 levels ago, in full plate with an AC in the low
500s, wisps would usually hit me for 1-2 points with an
occasional 20s. In full mesh with an AC around 460, they'd
regularly hit me for 20s. Now that my AC naked is in the
500s, I'll have to test it again while naked and see if I'm
being hit for 1-2 or 20s. Assuming of course that Verant
didn't tweak the game mechanics since then...

John H. Kim