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Message ID: 91
Date: Wed Apr 21 03:52:37 BST 1999
Author: Andriah
Subject: Re: Questions answered

Hail to all bards!! I am new to the roleplaying games
and find it to be enthrolling and addictive! I also
find it to be overwhelming at times, if you don't know
anyone and don't know any of the commands. Sineras,
until you mentioned that there is a location command,
I didn't have a clue...just remember there are people
out there that don't know and don't know how to find
out...and find out by luck alone or nice bards who
offer advice!!!
;-) Andriah

--- Kyle <ksibbald@...> wrote:
> From: "Kyle" <ksibbald@...>
> Number of questions made that I'll just sum up in
> this one message.
> 1. Where is Kelin' Lugubrious Lament?
> Kelethin Bard's Guild. Bout 4 plat, 6 gold.
> 2. What does it do?
> Lowers a creature's reaction to you (won't attack
> you) for a short while.
> Don't try to get a screenshot of yourself standing
> next to the creature
> though. =) I think help is the thing that makes them
> come after you if you
> attack one of their buddies. (Orc camps are prime
> examples). Agro
> (arressiveness) would prolly be what makes it decide
> to attack you for
> simply invading its personal space. It does seem to
> wear off after a short
> while. And I think the skill needed is singing so no
> instrument.
> 3. Does Denon's Disruptive Discord work yet?
> The damage part of it works, can't tell about the
> AC penalty though.
> 4. Hymn of Restoration in combat?
> I almost always play it unless I know I can easily
> defeat the creature I'm
> fighting against. Even though you only get a few hps
> back a tick, it will be
> significant during a long battle. Many a times have
> I been victorious
> because of those extra hps I healed during the
> fight. This song seems to do
> an extra 2hps for every 6 levels gained after 6th.
> 5. Same post mentioned about running and bellowing a
> wisp.
> Heh, how about that. This song seems to do an extra
> 1 damage for every 2
> levels gained after 12th.
> 6. A post about experience percentages.
> The only thing I can attribute is that the level
> window for exp in a group
> might not be as it is written (which I've seen
> written to be 4 levels
> wide)...
> 7. On a matter of starting a bard and what
> attributes should be picked.
> In beta I jacked my charisma and got fairly good
> prices as the most
> immediate benefit. For final I put enough into
> strength to wear plate and
> everything else into dexterity so that my chance to
> hit is greater. I seem
> to be fairly adept at hitting near or at the top
> range of the damage scale
> so I don't know if any more strength will help in
> combat. I do seem to be
> hitting more then in beta with the better dex,
> though. Only drop into
> intelligence if you *really* want your skills to
> rocket. It has no effect on
> songs since we don't use mana. I prolly wouldn't
> even consider it really.
> 8. Quests in Kelethin.
> Almost all quests I've seen can be done as many
> times as you want. The game
> doesn't really seem to keep track of state other
> then any item you might be
> given, which would key the next part of the quest
> when you give it to the
> correct person. I've seen newbie bards make the
> 'watch report' run to the
> docks in Queynos over and over again to get 2nd
> level without fighting a
> thing. It's not often you'll find a quest that will
> give more money that
> what is required to buy the things neccessary to
> complete it. Good example
> are the Deathfist Slashed Belts that cost about 3
> gold in stores but you get
> maybe 7 copper back when you hand them in to the
> quest person. Course you
> get a good faction adjustment....
> 9. Charging fees for corpse hunting.
> Chances are good that if they forgot to do a /loc
> before dying they don't
> know how much they might have on them in terms of
> money so they won't know
> if they can pay you until you get there. Usually the
> 'accept any donations'
> thing works well unless they are real knobs, in
> which case you can lead them
> into some nasty spot, drop them from the group, turn
> on speed, and burn
> outta there leaving them behind. =) jk Seriously, if
> they lost a character
> before, they'll reward you well.
> Good Journey,
> Sineras (Cazic-Thule)
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> lists on the Internet?
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