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Message ID: 9138
Date: Wed Oct 27 00:53:53 BST 1999
Author: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4
Subject: Some questions about Experience (off-topic)

Got a couple of questions I want to run by everyone to see what you have to

Question 1

Last night while I was in Mistmoore, a friend sent me a message over /tell
telling me about how much fun he had while he was in Mistmoore. He remarked
that the amount of experience points he got while he was there was
'awesome'. He believed that the mobs in Mistmoore gave more experience than
mobs in other places. As a 25th level bard, the Mistmoore yard trash all
conned blue to me. I have always read that the /con of a mob was more an
indication of how much experience you would receive from killing it rather
than how tough the mob is. Assuming this is true, a blue mob in Mistmoore
should give the same amount of experience as a blue mob anywhere else. With
that said, it did seem to me that my experience bar did move much faster
last night than it had in recent adventures in other zones. I see three
possible explanations for this: 1) my perception was clouded based on the
comment of my friend and I only thought I was getting more experience, 2)
the mobs in Mistmoore do give more experience than mobs in other locations,
or 3) the spawn rate is Mistmoore is so high that there isn't much downtime
and as a result you get to kill more stuff, resulting in more experience

Can someone with definitive knowledge please confirm the real answer?

Question 2

Lately, I have been adventuring in Unrest and Mistmoore in an attempt to get
the quest components for the bard armor. While in Unrest, I joined a 30+
group in the Ghost room. The highest level person was 38. I'm 25th level
and I got no experience from any kill for the entire time I was there. I
did get the bracelet from the GDB so overall it was mission success.

Last night in Unrest I grouped with some guildmates who were all 30+ level.
This time, the highest level person was 34 and I got experience when we
killed stuff. This was the first time I had ever grouped with anyone where
the level differential (9 levels between highest to lowest) was that high
and I still got experience. Everything we were fighting conned red to me.
In comparison, when I group with people close to me in level, we usually try
to take on mobs that con blue or black to me. That leads to the following

Given the situation I just described, and over the same amount of time,
would the total experience received in both situations come close to being
equal? In other words, does grouping with higher level characters fighting
mobs that con red to you equal (or come close to equalling) grouping with
equal level characters fighting mobs that con blue to you?

I tend to prefer grouping with characters close to me in level but there are
often situations late at night when its hard to find other players to group
with. Knowing that I could still get good experience grouping with
characters a lot higher than me gives me a second option.

Galtin of E'ci
25 bard