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Message ID: 9140
Date: Wed Oct 27 01:24:57 BST 1999
Author: kim@stormhaven.org
Subject: Re: Some questions about Experience (off-topic)

On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4 wrote:
> Last night while I was in Mistmoore, a friend sent me a message over /tell
> telling me about how much fun he had while he was in Mistmoore. He remarked
> that the amount of experience points he got while he was there was
> 'awesome'. He believed that the mobs in Mistmoore gave more experience than
> mobs in other places. As a 25th level bard, the Mistmoore yard trash all
> conned blue to me. I have always read that the /con of a mob was more an

That's the problem. From level 25 on, anything 1-8 levels
below you /cons blue. But something 1 level below you will
give much more experience than something 8 levels below you.

> Can someone with definitive knowledge please confirm the real answer?

Heh. Verant ain't talking.

> Last night in Unrest I grouped with some guildmates who were all 30+ level.
> This time, the highest level person was 34 and I got experience when we
> killed stuff. This was the first time I had ever grouped with anyone where
> the level differential (9 levels between highest to lowest) was that high
> and I still got experience. Everything we were fighting conned red to me.

A level 31 friend reported getting experience grouped with a
45, but not a 46. My guess is it caps out at a 16 level
delta. That is, a level 35 player grouped with a level 50
would get exp, but a level 34 would not. At the low end, a
level 1 player will not get experience with a level 5 (4 level
delta). Everything else in the middle is a gradual scale
between these two deltas.

> Given the situation I just described, and over the same amount of time,
> would the total experience received in both situations come close to being
> equal? In other words, does grouping with higher level characters fighting
> mobs that con red to you equal (or come close to equalling) grouping with
> equal level characters fighting mobs that con blue to you?

The way JM described it, the fraction of the experience for a
kill that you get is:

your total experience
party's total experience

So you should get good experience provided you kill things
that are reasonably difficult for the average level of the
party. If you kill stuff blue to the lowest level person,
it'll be very slow.

John H. Kim