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Message ID: 937
Date: Thu May 20 19:54:02 BST 1999
Author: Marc Allie
Subject: Why bards DON'T stink

Ok, we have all seen the posts about how much people do not want bards in
a high level party. It seems to me that this is more of a personal
preference because let's face it, you can make a good party with ANY

A real life buddy of mine came over last night. We are both pretty into
EQ, he having a 20th magician and a new 8th druid. He quit playing the
magician because he felt that magicians were POOR at higher levels. We
have long had an argument about this. In the beta, and for 3 weeks of
commercial I played a wizard while he played the magician. HE COULD DO
ALL I COULD DO AND MUCH MORE. For the first 10-15 levels or so, a wizard
is basically just a magician with no pet, summon
food/water/bandages/blade, and who does SLIGHTLY more damage with nukes.
Tell me which is better: hitting a mob for 16 a pop with a spell or
hitting for 14 a pop and having a pet whack for 10 or so every round too.
Come on. I quit the wizard fast, as I felt he was too weak compared to
the magician.

However, he says this: the pet and all that is now USELESS. What he
really wants is the travel spells and all the other cool stuff wizards get
past 20th. So you might say that magicians are more powerful early, but
wizards really shine later on.

I say the same thing about bards. A bard is an EXCELLENT class for the
first 10 levels. A decent tank who can do so much on the side. Every
party below 10th wants a bard, guaranteed. Now, look at say paladins,
shadow knights, and rangers. Basically MUCH weaker versions of a warrior
until they hit the magic 9th level and get spells. They too are just
biding their time until they hit their "sweet spot" and get all the
spells. Now at 20th level, which is better: a warrior, or a ranger, who
can do most of the warrior stuff and also heal, buff, track, etc.

See what I mean? It's like every class is good at either lower levels or
higher levels. Here's a rough classification:

AWESOME at lower levels:

Warriors, magicians, bards.

SO-SO at lower levels:

Shadow knights, paladins, rangers, clerics.

POOR at lower levels:

Enchanters, wizards.

It almost flip-flops at the top end. Probably the single most valuable
party member at levels 30+ would be a cleric. Complete healing and
raising the dead (or spells like them) are unique and incredibly powerful.
Big beefy tank almost dead? Complete heal him and he is JUST AS GOOD AS
NEW. Wizards can nuke like mad and 'port out of trouble. Enchanters
(once they fix the spells that is) get charms and other things that can
totally turn the tide of battle.

Which is better? A warrior, who has to heal for 10+ minutes after a
battle, or a ranger, who can track, heal, and has most of the combat
abilities as well. I know which one I would want.

Classes like enchanters and wizards are rewarded for their initially tough
experiences by sheer power later on. Classes like warriors who RULE
early, on the other hand, pay for it later.

Let's face it, bards are best at low level. I was talking to a higher
level bard, Uulas, 22nd level, and he said he NEVER uses any songs from
13th level - 18th level. Good old Anthem de Arms and Hymn of Restoration
with a bit of the Bellow are it, pretty much. Don't just ignore his
advice, either, he is widely regarded as one of the best bards and an
excellent party member on this server. I have heard it said that "Uulas
could make any group good." Looking over the bard song list, only the
invisibility, flight, and mana regeneration spells look that much
different from what we already have.

So, to all of us who are hoping to hit the higher levels someday: don't be
down about it, but bards don't make a good "core" party member. We just
make any party MUCH BETTER. Last night I hooked up with a cleric, a
wizard, and a rogue. Almost the perfect group, right? Tank, nuke, and
heals. With me in there, the efficiency skyrocketed. We fought a solid 2
hours with perhaps 10 minutes of down time. We were taking little to no
damage, mowing through the beetles and lesser undead in Unrest like a
Catholic priest who was also the Orkin man. ;)

I guess that's my main point. Not a CORE member, but one heck of an
accessory. Does that make sense?

I apologize for the length and welcome any comments.

Pistov "Bugsbane"
Cazic Thule

| |
| Tyger, Tyger, burning bright |
| In the forests of the night, Marc Allie |
| What immortal hand or eye |
| Could frame thy fearful symmetry? mallie@... |
| |
| -William Blake- |