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Message ID: 9557
Date: Wed Nov 3 16:14:34 GMT 1999
Author: silky@xxxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Re: Undead drops in Kithicor (Re: Digest Number 482)

This is a problem whenever you have a closed ecomony - stuff comes in - and
never goes out.

Decay is a pain in the butt - trust me - you DON'T want your stuff damaged.

The solution is to make items components of other items. This is already
done in rare cases - like to get the screaming mace. It's voluntary that way.

Making spawn points random - or a certain item drop within a zone on any X
level critter will also go much farther to help the problem of camping than
any change they have made so far. No drop is just a bandaid - it's not a
cure for the disease.

Players will always take the shortest route to the cheese.

Players will always want something if it exists.

These are not BAD things - you just need other options that are more
attractive to them than passing down and twinking their newer characters.

Servers go thru growth cycles - it's predictable from the day one goes up,
all you can do is provide other outlets for goods and money to take them
back OUT of the economy. A player that is intent on becoming filthy rich
and having the best items in the game WILL do so - and there is really no
reason for him not to - it's called a goal.

>Well I dont have any perfect sollution to the degradiation of worth. Which
>me to another interesting issue in EQ. Namely the worth of equipment and
>I still remember when a Langeseax (1hs) would go for like 100pp on my server,
>but today I see them go for like 15pp because they are so common. This
goes for
>allmost all equipment. There is NO real outlet as other have mentioned.
Once an
>item is in the game it stays there.
>I think the only viable way to get items out of circulation is to make
them wear
>out. If its possible to mend them it should be done by NPC's and be priced
>what "level" of equipment we are talking about and price comparable with the
>indgrediants casters use. In a way so that the expences per played hour is
>around the same.
>As it is today melee classes havent got any expenses other than food and
>costs of equipment.