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Message ID: 9558
Date: Wed Nov 3 16:47:15 GMT 1999
Author: JasonF
Subject: My Guise of the Deceiver saga begins

Well the "Bards and cha" thread and Sylly's post about how he'd gotten a
guise (and the picture on his web site) made me decide I would give it a
try. Yes I'm only 29th, but I decided to try to get into the Assassin's
room in Lower Guk anyhow. Risky? You betcha - but I decided that I'd died
before, so what the hell. I went into the Undead side of Lower Guk and
asked if anyone was camping the Assassin. Of course there was a group
camping him so I asked if I could come and attempt to loot a Guise if no one
else wanted it. The groups said "sure", so off I went. Not being too
familiar with LGuk I had to ask a couple of folks to point me in the right
direction, and a kindhearted Dark Elf in the Bedroom led me to the
Assassin's room. I didn't join the Assassin's group, I was merely waiting
on the sidelines chatting with the folks in the room and explaining yet
again that I don't get Clarity until 32nd.

A froggie spawned and we jumped it. I even got a decent proc off of my
Staff of Writhing on it before it fled the room. Much to my surprise no one
had rooted or snared it, so I fired up Chains and halted it in its tracks
and we finished it off. At this point I turn around and start to run back
to the Assassin's room (at full health) and hear myself say "Yow!", hit by a
spell. Ok, don't panic - just continue to run to the Assassin's room to get
some help from the group. "Uh oh. Why am I moving so slowly?" I glance at
my health and I have at MOST 1/4 of a bubble left. The next cast completely
destroys me. If it'd been Quake there would have been gibs on the ceiling.
A Tal Ghoul Wizard - someone with whom not to mess.

Well, it was 3:30am at this point so I had to log off because I had to work
today. :-) I actually laughed about it last night and this morning too. I
doubt that corpse recovery will be too difficult at peak hours tonight...
We'll see!

Crier Sharpsong - A dead 29th bard on Fennin Ro that still looks just like a
female Half Elf!