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Message ID: 9616
Date: Thu Nov 4 19:46:18 GMT 1999
Author: Kimes, Dean W.
Subject: RE: Kith Nerfed!!! Re: Undead drops in Kithicor

I made several trips thru last nite during nite hours. I got spell blasted
once (that I didn't resist by twisting Guardian and Elemental with
Accellerando). Otherwise no troubles. I rescued one poor enchanter whose
tanks had been killed. It was fun, though the people in the zone were not
as friendly as they had been in days past. There are some truly scary
things out there, fun though.

Had another instance of Bard hate. I zoned into Kithicor and ran up to
where people were camping by W Commons. I wasn't going anywhere so I turned
off all my songs to be sure I didn't gain any unwanted attention from their
pulls. One group pulled a skeleton squad leader. In the middle of the
fight he suddenly left their group, ran over to me standing in the
background (strangely enough he even ran past 2 people who were meditating)
and whacked me upside the head for 40 odd points. He then proceeded to Fear
me. What bizarre AI convention made him decide to ignore the 5 people
beating on him, run past two meditators and whack a bard standing behind
looking around. Even weirder, why on earth would he fear me?
Not once, not twice, but three times he feared me. Every time it wore off
and I fled back to the zone line area he would turn, leave the group, run
over to me and whack me, followed immediately by a Fear spell. Once I got
the two MR songs twisted up and resisted him, but the other two times I got
feared and sent off to wander up the path into the middle of the zone.
Fortunately the ghoul clerics I waltzed right by while feared ignored me.
Now that was scary. Still fun though, kinda like a roller coaster ride.
When I finally returned the group was arguing amongst themselves as to
whether I had tried to kill steal from them, but once they learned I was a
bard they all laughed and said "Oh, sorry that explains it." Pretty
amusing. Two of them were betting on whether I would come back from each of
the fearings. I shoulda got a cut from the guy who bet on me, he won every


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Illian [mailto:jeff@...]
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 1999 12:32 PM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Kith Nerfed!!! Re: Undead drops in Kithicor

From: "Jeff Illian" <jeff@...>

I don't see how this applies to Kithicor? Careful planning should guarantee
that you don't die in the woods. Simply check the time before zoning. Were
it only so easy to avoid SG's...

Lvl 21-22-21-22-21 Bard [Prexus]

> -----Original Message-----
> From: silky@... [mailto:silky@...]
> Sent: Thursday, November 04, 1999 1:08 PM
> To: eqbards@onelist.com
> Subject: RE: [eqbards] Kith Nerfed!!! Re: Undead drops in Kithicor
> From: silky@...
> >What fun is it if you are not scared? (The whole game I mean.)
> >
> >Sylly
> See, I am totally from the other school - I have no fun if I AM scared.
> Well, not on a continuous basis at least - that is the difference
> between a
> 'game', and immersing yourself into a world. Humans cannot create
> societies
> based solely on danger - and this is one lesson Verant refused to learn
> from other games they studied. They did learn the one about setting one
> group of players up to be fodder for another group - but went just a tad
> overboard in some areas overcompensating with monsters.
> I for one am NOT amused when I am out happily gathering silk - or hides -
> to be wacked in the back of the head by a sand giant or griffin.
> If I don't
> have a hope of fighting back - thats not fun, thats not scary,
> that's pking
> via monster. Death may be an inconvience at most - but I just
> don't like to
> die - for starters - it tends to break the fantasy - I will avoid death
> whenever possible by cautious hunting and careful planning.
> I've got like 40 days on my bard played - and only lvl 23 - don't
> particularly care if I EVER get to lvl 50 - my main goal in life
> was not to
> be jumped by everything and it's brother while I was going about my normal
> business. And yes - my bard can outrun most of this stuff - IF I don't get
> disconnected (which happens to me with annoying frequency - 6 times
> yesterday). I also play an enchanter a bit - we as bards may be fast - but
> a lot of classes don't have that kind of native defenses.
> Was in Oasis last night with my enchanter - having ubermonsters (to low
> levels) in the mix also provides the perfect material for high level grief
> players to work with - was getting trained by specters on the average of
> every 5 min - for about an hour and a half. Petitioned and
> petitioned - did
> a /who all gm - one GM and about 4 guides all on their asses in the plane
> of air.
> I play safe - and I pick my battles - I just don't like idiots being given
> the tools to do this, or being blindsided by something in an otherwise low
> level zone that I can't even scratch. Guess I don't find running for my
> life scary OR fun.
> > Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to
> toren@... with the subject lol.

Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to toren@... with
the subject lol.