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Message ID: 9691
Date: Mon Nov 8 18:10:49 GMT 1999
Author: Rokenn Swiftsong
Subject: Updated Song Analysis 21+ (long)

Level 21: Melanie's Mellifluous Motion
Effects: PARTY, Short distance random teleport
Skill: Wind
Location: HighHold Pass
Upgrades: N/A
Analysis: Every 6 seconds that this song is played everyone in your party
will be randomly teleported a short distance. Apparently does not teleport
you through walls or locked doors. In a dungeon, this song can get you in a
whole lot of trouble. Outdoors, however, with a flute in hand, it has an
amazing range. From the front gate of Qeynos one pulse can jump you to the
zone line or 2 feet away. Lots of fun, you do a silly dance while playing
it. This song is very useful to get characters unstuck from a
wall/crack/floor/etc... when a GM is not around. In a situation where the
entire party is trying to flee a monster or group of monsters,
theoretically, this song can help, but it is very risky, as the entire party
will be separated and will be on their own to make it to the zone border.
Use with caution.

Level 22: Alenia's Disenchanting Melody
Effects: PARTY, Cancel Magic
Skill: String (Required)
Location: Kelethin, Qeynos
Upgrades: Unknown
Analysis: This song is supposed to get rid of all DoT and de-buffs that have
been cast upon a party, but leave all of your buffs intact. A few people
have reported that it has worked for them but many bards report no effect at

Level 23: Selo's Consonant Chain
Effects: TARGET, Snare -Attack Speed
Skill: Singing
Location: HighHold Pass
Upgrades: Reports from high (45+) level bards that song will stop movement
at half HP.
Analysis: This song will allow you to snare runners, a very useful thing,
and also slows attack speed of target. One big advantage of this song is
that it can be 'cast' while moving, unlike casters that must standstill to
cast their snare/root spell. This can be a life saver in dungeons. This
song will break root/snare from casters so be careful using in a party,
unless you are the designated snarer. This song can also be used to break
root indoors on yourself, you will move slowly which is better then not at

Level 24: Lyssa's Veracious Concord
Effects: PARTY, Ultravision See invisible
Skill: Wind
Location: Erudin
Upgrades: N/A
Note: Not weavable with Shauri's Sonorous Clouding.
Analysis: Allows you to see invisible, as well as give you ultravision
(useful for blind humans). This song also tends to give everything a bluish

Level 25: Psalm of Warmth
Effects: PARTY, Infravision +Cold rest Fire-based damage shield +AC
Skill: Singing
Location: Erudin, Kelethin, Qeynos
Upgrades: Damage shield at every 5 levels after 26 (ie 6 dam at 31, 7 dam at
36). Cold rest every other level?
Analysis: Increases resistance to cold-based spells, gives a small AC boast,
Infravsion, and most importantly will give a party-wide fire based damage
shield (starts at 5 damage). This damage shield will stack with all
non-cold based damage shields.

Level 26: Angstlich's Apalling Screech
Effects: NON-PARTY, AE Fear
Skill: Brass
Location: Kelethin
Upgrades: Unknown
Analysis: This song is great for when you need to run when a battle has gone
bad, it is also useful to give the casters time to get off an Evac/gate as
well. Another use for this song is while soloing/grouping outdoors. Fear
the target then Chain it and enjoy wacking on its back while it runs from
the scary bard. If you group with a Rogue they will love you, backstabs

Level 27: Solon's Song of the Sirens
Effects: TARGET, Charm
Skill: Wind
Location: Kelethin
Upgrades: None, charm is limited to mobs 37th lvl and under.
Analysis: Will charm a monster for ~ 15 seconds. During that time, the
monster will respond to /pet commands. Allows you to do things like charm
D'Vinn and tell him to attack Crush. Be careful though, because when the
charm wears off, the monster will frenzy on you. PC/NPC pets are immune to
charm as long as the owner is alive. This is another song that requires a
full hot key bank to use effectively. Hot key this sing and the following
pet commands (using socials) /pet attack, /pet back off, /pet who is leader,
/pet sit down, /pet follow. Sometimes a mob will agro on a party member use
/pet back off to fix this. This song takes a lot of practice to get right,
but once you do the results are worth it. Interesting use for this song is
to stop kill stealing spell casters. If you spot a wizard trying to steal
your kill, just charm the monster. In the 10 or so seconds that the monsters
is charmed, the wizard will have dumped about all of his mana, casting
spells on the now spell-proof monster. When charm wears off, kill the
monster and retain the looting rights while the caster looks on in confusion
and frustration.

Level 28: Crission's Pixie Chase
Effects: TARGET, Mesmerize/Stun
Skill: Wind
Location: Kelethin
Upgrades: N/A
Analysis: This is a single target Mesmerize song. If you have good targeting
you can mez up to 3 targets at a time(this can be very hard to do). Any
attack against the mob will wake it up, so besure to inform your party when
you do this. This song is also useful for intrupting NPC spell casters, for
PC casters Bellow is a better choice (harder to resist).

Level 29: Psalm of Vitality
Effects: PARTY, +AC +Poison resist
Skill: Singing
Location: Kelethin, Qeynos
Upgrades: Every other level?
Unconfirmed Analysis: Increase resistance to poison and gives a small AC
increase. Does not provide a damage shield like Psalm of Warmth.

Level 30: Fufil's Curtailing Chant
Effects: Target, -Magic Resistance Dot
Skill: Percussion
Location: Freeport, Qeynos
Upgrades: Every other level?
Note: Stacks with all other DOT songs.
Analysis: This song has a small dot effect and lowers magic resistance. The
MR debuff will stack with Encahnter/Shamen MR debuffs.

Level 31: Agilmente's Aria of Eagles
Effects: PARTY, Levitation
Skill: Wind
Location: HighHold
Upgrades: N/A
Analysis: The range on this song is short, so it is not too useful in party
situations unfortunatly. This can be a dangerous song to use in dungeon
settings, as it will allow all mobs in dungeon rooms above and below you to
attack. Since these mobs will be attacking through walls, ceilings, and
floors, you will not be able to fight back. If this happens to you,
immediately stop playing the song. Once you stop levitating, the mobs will
no longer be able to attack you through. Zone immediately, as the mobs what
were attacking you, will now be racing through the dungeon to find and kill

Level 32: Cassindra's Chorus of Clarity
Effects: PARTY, Mana Regeneration
Skill: Singing
Location: Kelethin, Qeynos
Upgrades: Unknown
Analysis: This is the Holy Grail song of any party with mana users. There
have been mixed reports on the weavability of this song, as it gives no on
screen icon. The song will stack with Enchanter Clarity for a further
increase to mana regen and will stack with itself.

Level 33: Psalm of Cooling
Effects: PARTY, Ultravision +Fire Resist +AC Cold-based damgage shield
Skill: Singing
Location: Any
Upgrades: Damage shield does same damage as Psalm of Warmth.
Analysis: The damage shield will NOT stack with non-cold based damage
shield. It will actually subtract from them, so a magician shield that did
13 damage will only do 7 when stacked with this song.

Level 34: Lyssa's Solidarity of Vision
Effects: TARGET, Bind sight
Skill: Wind
Location: Erudin
Upgrades: N/A
Analysis: This song allows you to see though the eyes of the target. This
can be a PC or NPC. You can 'chain' this by targeting something you see from
the current target and restarting the song. This song has a zone wide

Level 35: Denon's Dissension
Effects: TARGET, AE Drain Mana
Skill: Brass
Location: Freeport, Qeynos
Upgrades: Unknown
Analysis: The mana drain rate is very slow and as many mobs seem to have
unlimited mana not of great use.

Level 36: Vilia's Verses of Celerity
Effects: PARTY: +AGI +Attack speed
Skill: Singing
Location: Freeport, Qeynos
Upgrades: Every level?
Note: Does not stack with Anthem de Arms, does stack with Chant of Battle
Analysis: Stacks nicely with Chant of Battle, to increase DEX, STR, and AGI
and increase the parties attack speed. The attack speed component does not
stack with Enchanter/Shamen attack speed spell lines.

Level 37: Psalm of Purity
Effects: PARTY, +Disease Resist +AC
Skill: Singing
Location: Kelethin, Qeynos
Upgrades: Every other level?
Analysis: Does not provide a damage shield

Level 38: Tuyen's Chant of Flame
Effects: Target, -Fire Resist DoT
Skill: Percussion Instruments
Location: Freeport, Qeynos
Upgrades: Every level?
Note: Stacks with all other DOT songs.
Analysis: It does 36 damage total over three ticks (the song's duration) and
Fire Resistance 14 points (at 48th level), if you use a drum. Without a
it does 24 damage total, and still lowers Fire Resistance by 14.

Level 39: Not implemented

Level 40: Syvelian's Anti-Magic Aria
Effects: Target, Cancel magic
Skill: Singing
Location: Kelethin
Upgrades: Unknown
Analysis: Removes one buff per pulse.

Level 41: Psalm of Mystic Shielding
Effects: PARTY, +Magic Resistance
Skill: Singing
Location: Qeynos, Kelethin
Upgrades: Unknown
Unconfirmed Analysis: Increases magic resistance by 50

Level 42: McVaxius Beserker Cresendo
Effects: PARTY, +STR +Attack Speed
Skill: Brass
Location: Freeport
Upgrades: Unknown
Unconfirmed Analysis: The attack speed increase is better than Celerity.
Does not stack with Chant of Battle, Anthem de Arms or Vilia's Verses of

Level 43: Denon's Desparate Dirge
Skill: Singing
Location: Freeport, Qeynos
Upgrades: Unknown
Notes: Only mana using sing, requires 800 mana. Currently Bard mana is
Intelligence based.
Analysis: This song does a one-time damage of 400 points to each monster
within its radius. That's up to 1600 points of damage to 4 monsters. Due to
it's power, Verant restricted its usage, making it the only Bard song to
require mana. One use of this song is engineered to drain most, if not all
of a Bard's mana. Supposedly it will take 30 minutes of sitting down or
about an hour of doing normal actions before the Bard's mana level will have
recovered enough to use this song. Mana regeneration spells, songs, or items
have no effect on a Bard's mana regeneration rate. The mana drain has been
engineered such that no matter what buffs are cast or no matter what INT
enhancing items you have, there will be no way to sing this song 2 times,
back to back. This song is currently bugged as singing it will do 400points
to the Bard himself.

Level 44: Cassindra's Elegy
Effects: PARTY, +WIS +INT
Skill: Singing
Location: Erudin
Upgrades: Unknown
Analysis: at 48th level, this song will raise Wisdom and Intelligence by 13.

Level 45: Not implemented

Level 46: Tuyen's Chant of Frost
Effects: TARGET, -Cold Resist DoT
Skill: Percussion
Location: Freeport, Qeynos
Upgrades: Unknown
Notes: Stacks with other DoT songs.
Analysis: It does 36 damage total over three ticks (the song's duration) and
drops Cold Resistance 14 points (at 48th level), if you use a drum. Without
a drum, it does 24 damage total, and still lowers Cold Resistance by 14.

Level 47: Not implemented

Level 48: Selo's Chords of Cessation
Effects: NON-PARTY, AE -Attack speed DoT
Skill: Stringed
Location: High Hold
Upgrades: Unknown
Analysis: Does 40 damage per tick. This song is a combination of the level
20 Largo's Melodic Binding and Chords of Dissonance, on steroids.

Level 49: Not implemented

Level 50: Verses of Victory
Effects: PARTY, +STR +AGI +Attack Speed
Skill: Singing
Location: Freeport, Qeynos
Upgrades: Unknown
Unconfirmed Analysis: +30 Str +30 Agl.

Rokenn Swiftsong - Karana server