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What is Resource Catalog ?

catalog-iconThe OpenFoundry Resource Catalog lists professional resources and applications related to the development of open source software. If you have any recommendation listing / category  or bug for this resource catalog, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Results 1 - 13 of 13



LibreOffice is a powerful office suite; its clean interface and powerful tools let you unleash your creativity and grow your productivity. LibreOffice embeds several applications that make it the most powerful Free & Open Source Office suite on the market: Writer, the word processor, Calc, the spreadsheet application, Impress, the presentation engine, Draw, our drawing and flowcharting application, Base, our database and database frontend, and Math for editing mathematics.

SOFA Statistics

SOFA Statistics 的全名為 Statistics Open For All,而其縮寫 SOFA 則表示這套工具可以達到十分容易使用的目的,如同坐在沙發上一樣的舒適與簡單。 SOFA 本身可以提供許多資料統計與分析功能,也能作為報表輸出程式使用。由於主要設計目的是為了減少資料庫處理人員的工作負荷,因此在安裝與操作上都儘量以最簡單的方式進行設計。


openmeetings 特點:

  • 自由軟體
  • 視訊及語音會議,也可打文字聊天 (chat)。
  • 白板可展示圖片、影片、簡報等等(可同時多個白板)。
  • 分享及控制桌面(類似 vnc),並可將桌面錄影起來。
  • 詳細的權限控管(防止講到一半被干擾)。
  • 內建民調系統,方便決策用。
  • 預約會議,可以 email 通知。
  • 支援外掛程式,擴充功能。


Graphviz 是一個運用廣泛的命令行繪圖軟體,不過說是繪圖軟體,它能繪的圖並不是一般人想像中的漫畫或 logo,而是數學意義上的 "graph",比較通俗的說法就是「關係圖」。Graphviz 提供一套語言,讓您能直接陳述圖片上的節點、邊、方向等性質。之後,由它來為您產生整張圖片。


Impressive is an open source, PDF sliding software. It provides a full-screen mode, as well as several user friendly OpenGL special effects, including square lighting, round lighting, and animated zoom in and zoom out on slides. Users will find these flashy features very helpful for holding the attention of sleepy audiences.


Mind maps can be a very useful tool, not only for helping us think, but also for taking notes, inspiring ideas, organizing your writing, recording conference ...etc. XMind is an open source mind-mapping software tool, similar to FreeMind. Like FreeMind, it helps users easily create mind map diagrams, while offering a much wider range of colors. In addition to a free version, XMind has a commercial version with additional functions that users can access with a monthly subscription.


Planner is a project managing software tool created with the C programming language. It provides both a graphical (Gantt Chart) and text-based (Working Schedule) interfaces, both of which allow users to easily control information relating to project time tasks and human resources. Planner can save data to XML,HTML,or PDF format, or upload data into a Postgresql database.



OpenOffice.org is a multi-platform and open source office software suite. It is compatible with many Operation Systems (Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, and Solaris...etc), and is free for download, use and distribution. It also supports Microsoft Office file formats from version 97 to 2007. Its major programs are: Writer, Impress, Calc, Draw, Math, and Base.


GanttProject is an open source project management tool, Designed to help manage resources, schedules, tasks, sub-tasks, record task logs, time logs ...etc. While making schedules, it allows users to draw Gantt or PERT maps. Available file outputs include PNG, PDF, or HTML. In addition, it can also import Microsoft Project files.


Dia is very similar to Microsoft Visio, a commercial Windows software tool designed to create various style of flowcharts. Newer releases of Dia include the ability to create UML static structure flowcharts and network flowcharts. It can also save and load flowcharts to customized file formats or as postscripts. Furthermore, Dia uses several standard built-in icons commonly found in network structure diagrams and charts.


AbiWord is a multi-platform, open source and GPL-authorized word processing software. Users are often surprised by how closely AbiWord's user interface resembles the interface found in Microsoft Word, making it easy switch between the two. The only major difference is that AbiWord, unlike Microsoft Word, is both free and open source.


No more cash for Adobe Acrobat or installing huge software, convert all kinds of files to PDF easily with PDFCreator! PDFCreator is a free and open source software that converts multiple file formats, such as DOC (WORD), PPT (Powerpoint), XLS (EXCEL) and ODT (OpenOffice) to PDF simply by simulating a printer. In addition, PDFCreator supports mail merge printing, merging two different documents into one PDF file, and batch conversion.



Mind maps can be a very useful tool, not only for helping us think, but also for to taking notes, inspiring ideas, organizing writing, recording conferences ...etc. FreeMind, written by Java, is a visual, project and management software tool that can help users organize their thoughts and represent their ideas clearly. FreeMind is compatible with multiple Operation Systems, and it can convert finished mind maps into JPG or GIF files for convenient use.