OSCache is a page caching mechanism to greatly improve the performance of your site. Can cache entire page or certain chunks, with configurable mechanism. Allows for higher error-tolerance on sites as well (e.g. if news database goes down, display last articles in cache instead of error to customers). So far OSCache has been tested in the following application servers and web containers: OrionServer(version 1.4.0 and above), Macromedia JRun (version 3.0 and above), BEA Weblogic (should work on version 7.x and above), IBM Websphere (tested on version 5.0), Silverstream (tested on version 3.7.4), Caucho Resin (version 1.2.3 and above), Tomcat (version 4.0 and above), iPlanet (tested on version 6.0. Note that the caching filter has not been tested, only the taglibs)
Platform: Cross-platform;License: OpenSymphony Software License