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結果 1 - 13 共 13


Padre 是使用 Perl 語言開發而成的 Perl IDE,包括可定製語法高亮顯示、語法檢查和重構工具(支持 Perl 5 及 Perl 6)、上下文幫助、跨平台支持(Linux、Mac OS X、Windows)等功能。

平台: Cross-platform; 原始碼授權類型: Perl License

資料來源: https://linuxtoy.org/archives/padre.html


Test-AutoBuild is a continuous integration harness for automatically running build and test processes without the need for user interaction.


Mavenizer helps you in creating correct Maven artifacts out of jars your project depends on so that you can use them in your Maven project.




Dart was created as the software testing system for the Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) funded by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) as part of the Visible Human Project. Dart is modelled after the nightly dashboard produced for the Visualization Toolkit (VTK). Dart was developed in late 2000 and generalized for deployment on other software projects in mid 2001. Recently the TCL version of Dart was completely re-written in Java. The Java version provides a more streamlined user experience.


CruiseControl is a framework for a continuous build process. It includes, but is not limited to, plugins for email notification, Ant, and various source control tools. A web interface is provided to view the details of the current and previous builds.


Continuum是最新的CI服務器之一,也是值得關注的一個軟體。Continuum的安裝和配置很簡單:只要下載和解壓縮ZIP文件並執行,就可以運行了。基於Web的界面使得配置項目很容易。而且,還不需要安裝 Web server,因為 Continuum 內置了 Jetty Web server。並且,Continuum 可以作為 Windows 服務運行,還在應用程序的某些部分嵌入了上下文敏感的文件,從而提供了很多幫助。


BusyB is an automated continuous build system. BusyB allows you to automatically rebuild your system at regularly scheduled intervals or simply when someone changes something. Or both.


The BuildBot is a system to automate the compile/test cycle required by most software projects to validate code changes. By automatically rebuilding and testing the tree each time something has changed, build problems are pinpointed quickly, before other developers are inconvenienced by the failure. The guilty developer can be identified and harassed without human intervention. By running the builds on a variety of platforms, developers who do not have the facilities to test their changes everywhere before checkin will at least know shortly afterwards whether they have broken the build or not.


Antelope is a graphical user interface for running Ant. Antelope is a mature application that is in wide use as a front end to Apache Ant. Antelope provides a set of buttons, one per target, which makes it easy to start a specific Ant operation. Basically, an Ant build file is opened with Antelope and the targets defined in the build file can be executed by clicking a button. Antelope is much more than a thin wrapper around Ant, however.

Apache Ant

Apache Ant是一套建立在Java之上的編譯組建工具。它和Make相似,但不像Make那麼麻煩。

Apache Gump

Gump是Apache的整合工具。它以Python寫成、完全支援Apache Ant、Apache Maven等等軟體組建工具。Gump特殊的地方在於,它根據以上軟體計劃最新的版本來編譯、組建軟體。這讓Gump可以在源碼匯入版本控制系統後幾小時內,就偵測到軟體可能發生的不相容點。

Apache Maven

Maven是一套管理及檢視軟體計劃的工具。Maven基本概念建立在project object model (POM)上,可從一套中央資訊系統來管理計劃的編譯、彙報、文件製作。Maven提供一套建立軟體專案的標準方式、為計劃內容提供清楚定義,並可以輕易發表計劃資訊,還提供了在不同計劃間共用JAR的方法。