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Vim 是一款從 vi 演化而來的開源文字編輯器, 在程式人員間極為流行. 與Emacs並列為在程式設計師中與開源社群間最受歡迎的編輯器. Vim以高效率著稱, 熟練的人往往可以不用離開鍵盤就可以完成各種工作. 儘管有著非常陡峭習曲線, Vim仍舊吸引了非常多人學習. Vim 已在各種作業系統上都有實作.它甚至被許多主流作業系統綑綁為原始套件.
CodeMAX is a simple and fast text editor with the possibility to add custom features using the script language Lua. By creating plugins with Lua you cancustomize CodeMAX on your own. For exsample it is possible to build a complete IDE for different programming languages like C/C++, PHP, Pascal or Basic.
CodeMAX supports syntax highlighting for many programing languages likeHTML, Java, PHP, C/C++/C#, Pascal, different Basic dialects, Assember, SQL, Lua, XML and much more. About 300 highlighters are included. And if you do not find the highlighter you need you can create a new one.
Simple user interface
Syntax highlighting (300 highlighters are included)
Tabs for parallel file editing
Code folding
Completion proposal
Hints for function parameters
Runtime change of plugin profiles
Highlighter editor: Creation of new custom syntax highlighters and editing of existing highlighters
Platform:Windows License:GNU General Public License(GPL)
Zeus for Windows is a powerful text editor specifically designed for software developers working in the Windows environment.
Seamless Subversion integration allows SVNcommands to be run from within the IDE
Project/workspace management
Brief, WordStar, Epsilon and Emacs keyboard emulation
Ability to configure for several programming languages
Built-in scripting engine that supports the Python, SmallC, Java Script, VB Script, Lua or TCL languages
Platform:Windows License:unknown
Crimson Editor是一個免費的文字編輯器,用於Microsoft Windows系統,可進行文字、代碼的編輯。
平台:Windows 原始碼授權類型:未知
Eddie is a programmers editor for MacOSX and Gnome Linux. Inspired by the Macintosh Programmers Workshop, Eddie brings some of it's powerful features into a modern lightweight and capable programmer's editor. Eddie is ideal for C/C++ development using makefiles and shell tools but can also be used with XCode projects. The Worksheet in Eddie is a full-featured shell that combines the power of bash and the ease of editing in a normal text window-like mode. Eddie is equally capable at editing HTML, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Lua and many other languages.
Originally written for BeOS, it is currently actively developed for MacOSX and Gnome Linux.
Platform:Mac OS X & Linux License:unknown
TextWrangler is the powerful general purpose text editor, and Unix and server administrator’s tool.
Platform:Cross platform License:unknown
Komodo Edit supports PHP, Python, Ruby, Perl and Tcl, plus JavaScript, CSS, HTML and template languages like RHTML, Template-Toolkit, HTML-Smarty and Django.
Write code faster and shorten the learning curve with code completion that guides you as you work
Support for adding third-party libraries
Interpreter version differentiation of built-in and standard library information
Platform:Cross platform
License:Mozilla Public License (MPL),GNU General Public License (GPL),GNU Lesser Public License (LGPL).
Reference: https://www.activestate.com/komodo-edit
Emacs即Editor MACroS(巨集編輯器),是一種純文字編輯器,在程式設計師和其他以技術工作為主的電腦使用者中廣受歡迎。最初由Richard Stallman於1975年在MIT協同Guy Steele共同完成。Emacs不僅僅是一個編輯器,它是一個整合環境,或可稱它為整合式開發環境,這些功能如讓使用者置身於全功能的作業系統中,在基於編輯器的功能基礎上,Emacs自行開發了一個「bourne-shell-like」的shell:EShell。