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LuaUnit 是一個依據 Python unit testing framework 撰寫的單元測試框架。

平台: OS Independent; 原始碼授權類型: Public Domain

資料來源: https://phil.freehackers.org/programs/luaunit/


lunit 是一個以 Lua 撰寫的單元測試框架,它現在提供 27 種 assert functions、8 種 type checking functiosn 以及一些其他的 functions 用於使用簡單的單元測試框架。

平台:  OS Independent; 原始碼授權類型: MIT License

資料來源: https://www.nessie.de/mroth/lunit/


Shake 是一個簡單的 Lua 測試引擎,它假設測試只用到 assert() 與 Print() 呼叫。如果你在尋找像 JUnit 一樣的東西,請改用 lunit 或 luaunit。Shake 的執行需要仰賴 Leg 與 LPeg。

平台: Cross-platform; 原始碼授權類型: MIT/X Consortium License

資料來源: https://luaforge.net/projects/shake/


WebInject 是一個自動化測試工具,主要適合Web應用和Web服務。可以通過它來測試基於HTTP port的系統軟體,還可以用它來進行server監控。

平台:跨平台 原始碼授權類型:GNU General Public License(GPL)



X11::GUITest 為一個簡化測試應用程式的 Perl 組件,它是藉由模擬使用者的方式完成此一目的。它可以被用來測試並溝通 (如 SendKeys, WaitWindow 等) 特定圖形化應用程式,這些應用程式必須是建立於 X lib 架構之上(如GTK+, Qt, Motif 等)。

平台: Cross-platform; 原始碼授權類型: GNU General Public License

資料來源: https://sourceforge.net/projects/x11guitest/

Flex Mock

Flex Mock is a simple, but flexible, mock object library for Ruby unit testing.

Platform:unknown ; License:MIT/X Consortium License


PBP (Python Browser Poseur)

PBP (Python Browser Poseur) 是一種 web 測試工具,它把瀏覽器的功能置身於一個類似 shell 的直翻器裡,任何對命令行熟悉的都可以編寫測試腳本,即使是最複雜的PBP應用程式。

適用平台: 跨平台; 原始碼授權類型: MIT/X Consortium License

資料來源: https://pbp.berlios.de


Achoo 是一個可以測試 Python 物件的介面。Achoo可以很容易的對Python物件的屬性和行為做出斷言。它的目的是為了與單元測試框架,例如:PyUnit's unittest模組一起使用。

適用平台: 跨平台; 原始碼授權類型: GNU LGPL v3

資料來源: https://web.quuxo.com/products/achoo/



適用平台: 跨平台; 原始碼授權類型: 未知

資料來源: https://www.doughellmann.com/projects/Proctor/


Watir, pronounced water, is an open-source (BSD) library for automating web browsers. It allows you to write tests that are easy to read and maintain. It is simple and flexible.

Watir drives browsers the same way people do. It clicks links, fills in forms, presses buttons. Watir also checks results, such as whether expected text appears on the page.
Watir is a family of Ruby libraries but it supports your app no matter what technology it is developed in. Like other programming languages, Ruby gives you the power to connect to databases, read data files and spreadsheets, export XML, and structure your code as reusable libraries. Unlike other programming languages, Ruby is concise and often a joy to read.
Platform:Cross Platform ; License:unknown


Uttk is a unified and extensible framework for dynamic testing. It is designed to support any test strategy. It understands YAML and Ruby as input languages (test description), YAML, XML and HTML as output languages (test results).

Platform:OS Independent; License:GNU Lesser General Public License(LGPL)



Mocha is a library for mocking and stubbing using a syntax like that of JMock. It can be used with many testing frameworks e.g. Test::Unit, RSpec, test/spec, expectations, Dust, MiniTest and even JtestR. It also provides a unified, simple and readable syntax for both traditional mocking and partial mocking.

Platform:unknown ;License:MIT/X Consortium License, Ruby License



Rfuzz is a Ruby library to easily test web applications from the outside using a fast HttpClient and wicked evil RandomGenerator allowing the average programmer to use advanced fuzzing techniques for just pennies a day.


A full ultra fast and light HTTP client based on the Mongrel core.

A fast ArcFour based RandomGenerator that feeds your applications more garbage than an army of freegans eats in a day.

A small DSL (Domain Specific Language) for running test Sessions and gathering statistics about the test.

Integration with RSpec for organizing and running tests.

Platform:unknown ; License:unknown



Rubicon provides test cases for the core Ruby language and for the built-in classes. We try to track the evolution of Ruby as it is implicitly specified by the implementation of the language.

Platform:Cross-platform ; License:Ruby License



FunFX is open-source and uses Ruby to write tests. Ruby is a simple but yet powerful language, which makes it possible to write tests that are easy to understand. Ruby was  due to its DOM capabilities and the fact that it is a scripting language.

Platform:Windows ; License:MIT/X Consortium License


RSpec is a Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby. It provides two frameworks for writing and executing examples of how your Ruby application should behave: * a Story Framework for describing behaviour at the application level * a Spec Framework for describing behaviour at the object level.


Grinder是一個開源的Java負載測試framework,它通過很多負載器來為分佈式測試提供了便利。支持用於執行測試script的Jython script引擎,HTTP測試可通過HTTP代理進行管理。


The SLAMD Distributed Load Generation Engine (SLAMD) is a Java-based application designed for stress testing and performance analysis of network-based applications. It was originally developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc., but it has been released as an open source application under the Sun Public License, which is an OSI-approved open source license. The main site for obtaining information about SLAMD is https://www.slamd.com/, but it is also available as a java.net project.


IeUnit is a simple framework to test logical behaviors of web pages. It helps software engineers to create, organize and execute functional unit tests.

GNU gprof

GNU profiler, gprof, was written by Jay Fenlason. You can use it to determine which parts of a program are taking most of the execution time. It enables your ability to spot bugs that had otherwise been unnoticed.


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