$$\boxed{\bigstar \quad \texttt{println!("Hello ✧ World!");} \quad \bigstar}$$ I'm Edward, a fourth year undergraduate student at the [University of California San Diego](http://ucsd.edu/) majoring in [Mathematics & Computer Science](https://math.ucsd.edu/students/undergraduate/ma30-math-computer-science-b-s/). Currently, - I'm chilling.
More Information.
📝 Experience.
Previously, I was - a Fall 2023 software engineer co-op at [Northrop Grumman](https://northropgrumman.com/) working at the [Advanced Technology Lab (ATL)](https://www.northropgrumman.com/what-we-do/microelectronics-advanced-technology-lab/) on a number of internal applications for the foundry (again). - a Summer 2023 software engineer intern at [Intuit](https://www.intuit.com/) working on the frontend part of the new deduplication capability, and enhancements to the completecheck page, for TurboTax Online. - a Fall 2022 software engineer co-op at [Northrop Grumman](https://northropgrumman.com/) working at the [Advanced Technology Lab (ATL)](https://www.northropgrumman.com/what-we-do/microelectronics-advanced-technology-lab/) on a number of internal applications for the foundry. - an [CSE instructional assistant](https://cse.ucsd.edu/undergraduate/undergraduate-tutors) at UCSD for - CSE 8B: Fall 2021, Winter 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2023 - CSE 11: Summer II 2022 - CSE 8B/11: Winter 2023, Winter 2024 In terms of volunteering, I was - a maintainer for the [Pitt CSC Summer 2024 Internship List](https://github.com/pittcsc/Summer2024-Internships) repository, before Simplify took ownership of it. ---
📧 Contacting Me.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. ### GitHub If you have a question that involves any of my projects, or just have a question in general, feel free to use GitHub. Keep in mind that this form of communication is not private. - Click [here](https://github.com/ewang2002/ewang2002/issues/new/choose) to leave an issue. - If you are contacting me about a project, please leave an issue in the relevant project repository. I'll generally try to respond within 5 days for active projects, and 10 days for inactive projects. ### Email When emailing, please identify your GitHub account username and how you found my profile. - My personal email is `ewang20027+gh`, followed by Gmail's domain. - My university email is `edwang+gh`, followed by my university's domain. I'll generally try to respond within 5 days. If you do not receive a response after 5 days, feel free to send me another email -- it's possible I saw your email but forgot to reply. ### Discord Please email me for my Discord username. ### LinkedIn This is linked on the sidebar. That being said, I do not check LinkedIn often. ---
🤷 Miscellaneous.
### Profile Picture - Aiden T. drew the blobcat that is in the foreground. - Ruby designed the profile picture. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37031713/199368106-d0a20084-adac-43c6-a706-47b7aefac3b5.png) ### README Images - The Current Streaks image was taken from [here](https://streak-stats.demolab.com/demo/). - The Most Used Languages image was taken from [here](https://github.com/anuraghazra/github-readme-stats). ---
On that note, I'm not sure why people are forking my README repository, but you can always view the raw contents of the README.