Violin Chart

Violin plots allow to visualize the distribution of a numeric variable for one or several groups. They are very well adapted for large dataset, as stated in Note that 2 approaches exist to build them in d3.js, the first computing a kernel density estimate, the second building a high resolution histogram.

Using Binning with d3.histogram()

The d3.histogram() takes a numeric variable, split it into bins and count the number of value per bin. See the histogram section for basic examples. It is possible to represent the histogram with a mirror effect for each group and using a curving function for smoothing: it makes the violin plots below.

Using Kernel density estimation

Another way to build a violin plot is to compute a kernel density estimate. This is what is done in the density plot and ridgeline plot sections. As you can see, the result is slightly different compared to above.

Going further

A few examples expanding the concepts described above to build custom violin charts.

Selection of blocks

Related chart types
