We present in this section the shiny package, which allows us to create web application (local to a computer, local into an inside network, or online).


We see in the previous sessions that it is a diffuclt task to analysis deeply some datasets, when we produce a lot of tables and graphics. A good way to tackle this problem is to create a (simple) application, which allows us to interact with data and methods.

Web application

To create a web application with shiny, you have to create a specific folder with specifics files:

  • one file app: file named app.R
  • two files app: files names server.R and ui.R

I prefer the second choice to separate the user interface side (in ui.R) and the server side (in server.R).

Since we want an interactive application, we have to manage both sides of it:

  • UI: we explain here what is the format of our application (title, panels, …), and the possible interactions
    • inputs: parameters the user can define
    • outputs: tables and graphics produce by the server
  • Server: we detail here how R produces the outputs, from data and inputs

In the following subsection are presented the contents of the two files. You can copy this to test inside RStudio.

First application

We create a folder, names for instance web-application, with two files:


  titlePanel("Web application")

shinyServer(function(input, output) {


In RStudio, when a file named ui.R or server.R or app.R is open, you get a button names Run App. If you click on them, you must have a new window with only the main title.

The funtion shinyUI() define the UI section of an application. In this, we create a fluidPage(), which can contain many panel, as we see later.

The function shinyServer() permits us to define a function taking input and output parameters defined in ui.R, to explain how outputs are created from data and inputs.

If you want to run directly the application, write the following code into R console.


Adding plot and table

We add in the preceding application a plot and a table, without any interaction at this moment. So, we have to define the outputs in ui.R, with functions names plotOutput() for any plot, and tableOutput() for tables. These functions must have a parameter, which is the name of the output.

Now, in server.R, we define the plot and the table to produce. We use iris dataset, with functions renderPlot() for any plot, and renderTable() for tables.

To enhance the presentation of the application, we use a sidebarLayout which divides the window into two sections:

  • sidebarPanel(): usually all the controls (interactions)
  • mainPanel(): the outputs generated from choice made by users

And in the server.R, we compute PCA on the data before the definition of the server operation.


  titlePanel("Web application"),
          helpText("Mean values of attributes for each species"),
          helpText("PCA first factorial map for individuals"),
pca = PCA(iris, quali.sup = 5, graph = FALSE)

shinyServer(function(input, output) {

    output$tab <- renderTable({
        aggregate(. ~ Species, iris, mean)
    }, digits = 2)
    output$graph <- renderPlot({
        par(mar = c(4, 4, 0, 0) + .1)
        plot(Dim.2 ~ Dim.1, pca$ind$coord,
             col = rainbow(3)[iris$Species], pch = 19)

If you want to run directly the application, write the following code into R console.


Adding some interaction

Now, we add interactions in the application, then the user (you or someone else if you publish your app) can interact with data. First, we add two inputs into ui.R:

  • One drop down list to chose the statistic computing in the table, with selectInput() function ;
  • Two groups of radio buttons to chose the dimension to plot, with radioButtons().

These two functions take at least three parameters:

  • a name, to be use in server.R
  • a title, placed above the drop down menu
  • a list of possible choices

For radioButtons(), we add the parameter inline=TRUE to have all the button on one line.

Second, we use theses inputs as object of input parameter in the server function, to use the user choice in the produced outputs. The value inside these inputs are characters.


  titlePanel("Web application"),
          helpText("Choose the statistic you want to compute"),
          selectInput("stat", "Statistic", c("mean", "median", "min", "max")),
          helpText("Choose the PCA dimension to plot"),
          radioButtons("dimX", "X", choices = 1:4, inline = TRUE),
          radioButtons("dimY", "Y", choices = 1:4, inline = TRUE)
          # helpText("Mean values of attributes for each species"),
          helpText("PCA first factorial map for individuals"),
pca = PCA(iris, quali.sup = 5, graph = FALSE)

shinyServer(function(input, output) {

    output$text <- renderText({
        paste(input$stat, "values of attributes for each species")
    output$tab <- renderTable({
        aggregate(. ~ Species, iris, function(x) {
                   mean = mean(x),
                   median = median(x),
                   min = min(x),
                   max = max(x))
    }, digits = 2)
    output$graph <- renderPlot({
        dimX = as.numeric(input$dimX)
        dimY = as.numeric(input$dimY)
        m = data.frame(x = pca$ind$coord[,dimX],
                       y = pca$ind$coord[,dimY])
        par(mar = c(4, 4, 0, 0) + .1)
        plot(y ~ x, m,
             col = rainbow(3)[iris$Species], pch = 19,
             xlab = paste("Dimension", dimX),
             ylab = paste("Dimension", dimY))

If you want to run directly the application, write the following code into R console.


Add updates and dependencies

At the end, we add in our application three upgrades:

  1. we update possible choices in the radio buttons according to the number of dimensions of our PCA result
    • ui.R: the only choice is 0 at the beginning of the application
    • server.R: we indicate the new choices (between 1 and the number of dimension in PCA) in a observe() function, with updateRadioButtons()
  2. we add dependency between dimY and dimX inputs, to change dimY value according to a new value of dimX
    • server.R: we modify the selected value in dimY (with updateRadioButtons()) to the first value different from dimX
  3. we create a reactive object to get the subset of PCA dimensions
    • server.R:
      • create a function with reactive() returning the subset with the two choosen dimensions
      • get the data by using the created function in the renderPlot()

We add some controls in the outputs to avoid error during the execution of the application.


  titlePanel("Web application"),
          helpText("Choose the statistic you want to compute"),
          selectInput("stat", "Statistic", c("mean", "median", "min", "max")),
          helpText("Choose the PCA dimension to plot"),
          radioButtons("dimX", "X", choices = 0),
          radioButtons("dimY", "Y", choices = 0)
          helpText("Mean values of attributes for each species"),
          helpText("PCA first factorial map for individuals"),
pca = PCA(iris, quali.sup = 5, graph = FALSE)
nDim = ncol(pca$ind$coord)

shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
        updateRadioButtons(session, "dimX",
                           choices = 1:nDim,
                           inline = TRUE,
                           selected = 1)
        updateRadioButtons(session, "dimY",
                           choices = 1:nDim,
                           inline = TRUE,
                           selected = 2)
        dimX = input$dimX
        if (input$dimY == dimX) {
            dimY = which(!(1:nDim == dimX))[1]
            updateRadioButtons(session, "dimY",
                               selected = dimY)
    output$tab <- renderTable({
        aggregate(. ~ Species, iris, function(x) {
                   mean = mean(x),
                   median = median(x),
                   min = min(x),
                   max = max(x))
    }, digits = 2)
    subPCA <- reactive({
        if (input$dimX == 0) return(NULL)
        dimX = as.numeric(input$dimX)
        dimY = as.numeric(input$dimY)
        m = data.frame(x = pca$ind$coord[,dimX],
                       y = pca$ind$coord[,dimY])
    output$graph <- renderPlot({
        m = subPCA()
        if (is.null(m)) return(NULL)
        par(mar = c(4, 4, 0, 0) + .1)
        plot(y ~ x, m,
             col = rainbow(3)[iris$Species], pch = 19,
             xlab = paste("Dimension", input$dimX),
             ylab = paste("Dimension", input$dimY))

If you want to run directly the application, write the following code into R console.


User interface

We can modify the user interface in many different ways with shiny package. It exists also some other packages allowing us to personnalize applications (shinydashboard, shinythemes, …)

Some work

Use the shiny package to create an application able to help us in the clustering process of our data.