User Guide

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The B4P interpreter and some library files written in B4P langauge ar the software items you need to install to make full use of the language. The interpreter executes the B4P source code directly and without cluttering up your drive with additional files. A wide spectrum of high-performing functions are available to process large data structures such as tables and variable trees.

Lean and Simple

The B4P interpreter is exceptionally lean (few megabytes). Its compactness make it so powerful, i.e. starting immediately after the mouse click and no waiting time until your B4P program starts processing.

Intentionally no Graphic User Interface

The B4P language intepreter is a (probably old-fashioned) console application. For a good reason, we have left out the nice Windows user interface features, and there are some very good rasons for that:

  • Unparalleled start-up performance: The B4P program runs instantaneouly after the mouse click or pushing [Enter].
  • Cross-Platform Portability: B4P runs equally well under Windows, Linux and MacOS. Additional operating systems can be included in the future.
  • On-line documentation is fully integrated in the B4P interpreter and is available on your fingertips any time.

GUI features are in most cases more platform-dependent than you are thinking and may slow down overall start-up and execution performance. This pretended disadvantage is compensated by its superior machine processing performance. Long story short:
We minimize our footprint to provide highest performance, and you maximize from these benefits to get your work done quickly!

Excel with Excel

For visualization purposes, powerful and highly standardized tools existing today such as Microsoft Excel providie all features to do the visual parts such as creating all the charts you need for your presentations. It makes no sense to let B4P compete against such tools. The philosophy of B4P is to focus on performing all data processing with bare metal machine performance and creating all Excel files (and other file formats like HTML) which you can open with such tools to complete the visualization tasks.

B4P is able to save tables into Excel files, with multiple sheets in one workbook, and, if needed, some formatting and styling already included (e.g. column widths, fonts, colors, number formats, autofilter, freezing panes, etc.).