Quaternion to Matrix

Converting a quaternion to a matrix can be trivial. Recall that a 3x3 matrix (and the upper left 3x3 sub matrix of a 4x4 matrix) is composed of three column vectors. These column vectors describe the basis of the matrix. The easiest way to convert a quaternion to a matrix is to multiply three basis vectors (x, y and z) by the quaternion and place the results in the resulting matrix.

Matrix3 ToMatrix_NonOptimal(Quaternion quat) {
    // Basis vectors
    Vector3 right = Vector3(1, 0, 0);
    Vector3 up = Vector3(0, 1, 0);
    Vector3 forward = Vector3(0, 0, 1);

    // Rotate basis vectors by Quaternion
    right = Mul(right, quat);
    up = Mul(up, quat);
    forward = Mul(forward, quat);

    // Return basis vectors as matrix
    return Matrix3(
        right.x, up.x, forward.x,
        right.y, up.y, forward.y,
        right.z, up.z, forward.z

    // Just so there is no confusion, the above constructor takes arguments
    // in row order, but stores them in column order (transposed).
    // That is, it creates the following array in memory:
    // [right.x, right.y, right.z, up.x, up.y, up.z, forward.x, forward.y, forward.z]


Ken Shoemake presents a more optimal way of converting quaternions to matrices in Chapter 6 of Graphics Gems II, Quaternions and 4x4 Matrices . Shoemake's method can be dificult to grasp at first, but converting quaternions to matrices is a common enough operation that it is worth understanding and implementing. So, let's explore this method.

Suppose we want to multiply two quaternions \(q\) and \(p\) together. The formula for this was covered in the Multiplying Quaternions section. The formula looks like this:

$$ qp = \begin{alignedat}{6} & \phantom{+} &q_x p_w \textcolor{red}{i} & {+} &q_y p_z \textcolor{red}{i} & {-} &q_z p_y \textcolor{red}{i} & {+} &q_w p_x \textcolor{red}{i} & {,} \\ & {-} &q_x p_z \textcolor{green}{j} & {+} &q_y p_w \textcolor{green}{j} & {+} &q_z p_x \textcolor{green}{j} & {+} &q_w p_y \textcolor{green}{j} & {,} \\ & \phantom{+} &q_x p_y \textcolor{blue}{k} & {-} &q_y p_x \textcolor{blue}{k} & {+} &q_z p_w \textcolor{blue}{k} & {+} &q_w p_z \textcolor{blue}{k} & {,} \\ & {-} &q_x p_x & {-} &q_y p_y & {-} &q_z p_z & {+} &q_w p_w \end{alignedat} $$

Since we're left multiplying, this rotates \(q\) by \(p\), the above multiplication can be expressed as a matrix / vector multiplication by treating \(q\) as a vector and \(p\) as a matrix, like so:

$$ qp = R(p)q = \begin{bmatrix} \phantom{+}w_{p} & \phantom{+}z_{p} & -y_{p} & \phantom{+}x_{p} \\ -z_{p} & \phantom{+}w_{p} & \phantom{+}x_{p} & \phantom{+}y_{p} \\ \phantom{+}y_{p} & -x_{p} & \phantom{+}w_{p} & \phantom{+}z_{p} \\ -x_{p} & -y_{p} & -z_{p} & \phantom{+}w_{p} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x_{q} \\ y_{q} \\ z_{q} \\ w_{q} \end{bmatrix} $$

I changed the notation up a little to put the focus on which elements of \(q\) and \(p\) are being used and where, instead of on \(q\) and \(p\). The quaternion product is either a function of \(p\) or \(q\). Above it's a function of \(q\). To find the function of \(p\), first re-arrange the quaternion multiplication formula so that the components of \(p\) line up, like so:

$$ qp = \begin{alignedat}{6} { } &q_{w}p_{x}\textcolor{red}{i}& {-} &q_{z}p_{y}\textcolor{red}{i}& {+} &q_{y}p_{z}\textcolor{red}{i}& {+} &q_{x}p_{w}\textcolor{red}{i}& {,} \\ { } &q_{z}p_{x}\textcolor{green}{j}& {+} &q_{w}p_{y}\textcolor{green}{j}& {-} &q_{x}p_{z}\textcolor{green}{j}& {+} &q_{y}p_{w}\textcolor{green}{j}& {,} \\ {-} &q_{y}p_{x}\textcolor{blue}{k}& {+} &q_{x}p_{y}\textcolor{blue}{k}& {+} &q_{w}p_{z}\textcolor{blue}{k}& {+} &q_{z}p_{w}\textcolor{blue}{k}& {,} \\ {-} &q_{x}p_{x}& {-} &q_{y}p_{y}& {-} &q_{z}p_{z}& {+} &q_{w}p_{w}& \end{alignedat} $$

The formula is still the same, we just shuffled a few of the terms around. This time write \(q\) as the matrix and \(p\) as the vector, like so:

$$ qp = L(q)p = \begin{bmatrix} \phantom{+}w_{q} & -z_{q} & \phantom{+}y_{q} & \phantom{+}x_{q} \\ \phantom{+}z_{q} & \phantom{+}w_{q} & -x_{q} & \phantom{+}y_{q} \\ -y_{q} & \phantom{+}x_{q} & \phantom{+}w_{q} & \phantom{+}z_{q} \\ -x_{q} & -y_{q} & -z_{q} & \phantom{+}w_{q} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x_{p} \\ y_{p} \\ z_{p} \\ w_{p} \end{bmatrix} $$

Knowing these \(L\) and \(R\) matrices, a 4x4 matrix can be created from a quaternion. A quaternion \(q\) rotates a vector \(\vec{v}\) using quaternion multiplication, like so: \(q\vec{v}q^{-1}\). When dealing with unit quaternions, the inverse and conjugate of the quaternion is the same, that is \(q^{-1} = q^{*}\). Since \(q^{*}\) just negates the vector part of \(q\), the rotation matrix of \(q\) can be constructed as:

$$ Rot(q) = L(q)R(q^{*}) $$

Substituting tha actual matrices, we get:

$$ Rot(q) = L(q)R(q^{*}) = \begin{bmatrix} \phantom{+}w & -z & \phantom{+}y & \phantom{+}x \\ \phantom{+}z & \phantom{+}w & -x & \phantom{+}y \\ -y & \phantom{+}x & \phantom{+}w & \phantom{+}z \\ -x & -y & -z & \phantom{+}w \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \phantom{+}w & -z & \phantom{+}y & -x \\ \phantom{+}z & \phantom{+}w & -x & -y \\ -y & \phantom{+}x & \phantom{+}w & -z \\ \phantom{+}x & \phantom{+}y & \phantom{+}z & \phantom{+}w \end{bmatrix} $$

Take note, the right side matrix, \(R(q^{*})\) is not the same as \(R(q)\), the signs on the vector part of the quaternion are flipped. Doing the actual matrix multiplication leaves us with the following matrix:

$$ \tiny \begin{bmatrix} (w,-z,y,x) \cdot (w,z,-y,x) & (w,-z,y,x) \cdot (-z,w,x,y) & (w,-z,y,x) \cdot (y,-x,w,z) & (w,-z,y,x) \cdot (-x,-y,-z,w) \\ (z,w,-x,y) \cdot (w,z,-y,z) & (z,w,-x,y) \cdot (-z,w,x,y) & (z,w,-x,y) \cdot (y,-x,w,z) & (z,w,-x,y) \cdot (-x,-y,-z,w) \\ (-y,x,w,z) \cdot (w,z,-y-x) & (-y,x,w,z) \cdot (-z,w,x,y) & (-y,x,w,z) \cdot (y,-x,w,z) & (-y,x,w,z) \cdot (-x,-y,-z,w) \\ (-x,-y,-z,w) \cdot (w,z,-y,x) & (-x,-y,-z,w) \cdot (-z,w,x,y) & (-x,-y,-z,w) \cdot (y,-x,w,z) & (-x,-y,-z,w) \cdot (-x,-y,-z,w) \end{bmatrix} $$

Doing all of the actual dot products, the above matrix simplifies to:

$$ \begin{bmatrix} w^{2}+x^{2}-y^{2}-z^{2} & 2xy - 2wz & 2xz + 2wy & 0 \\ 2xy + 2wz & w^{2} - x^{2} + y^{2} - z^{2} & 2yz - 2wx & 0 \\ 2xz - 2wy & 2yz + 2wx & w^{2} - x^{2} - y^{2} + z^{2} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & w^{2} + x^{2} + y^{2} + z^{2} \end{bmatrix} $$

Why does the last row simplify to 0? Looking at element \([3,0]\), \((-x,-y,-z,w) \cdot (w,z,-y,x)\) the dot product is \((-x)w + (-y)z + (-z)(-y) + wx\). Substituting some actual numbers \(x=2,y=3,z=4,w=5\), the dot product becomes: \((-2)5 + (-3)4 + (-4)(-3) + 5(2)\) and that simplifies to \((-10) + (-12) + 12 + 10\) which is \(0\) as expected.

Converting this formula to code is trivial. To convert to a 3x3 matrix instead of a 4x4 matrix just omit the last row and column.

Matrix4 ToMatrix(Quaternion q) {
    float ww = q.w * q.w;
    float xx = q.x * q.x;
    float yy = q.y * q.y;
    float zz = q.z * q.z;

    float wx = q.w * q.x;
    float wy = q.w * q.y;
    float wz = q.w * q.z;

    float xy = q.x * q.y;
    float xz = q.x * q.z;

    float yz = q.y * q.z;

    return Matrix4(
        ww + xx - yy - zz, 2 * xy - 2 * wz, 2 * xz + 2 * wy, 0,
        2 * xy + 2 * wz, ww - xx + yy - zz, 2 * yz - 2 * wx, 0,
        2 * xz - 2 * wy, 2 * yz + 2 * wx, ww - xx - yy + zz, 0,
        0, 0, 0, ww + xx + yy + zz

    // Just so there is no confusion, the above constructor takes arguments
    // in row order, but stores them in column order (transposed).
    // See the non-optimal example for memory layout.

With Vectors

It's less efficient, but easier to understand quaternion to matrix conversion if we think about basis vectors. The upper 3x3 submatrix of a 4x4 rotation matrix is the basis vectors of said matrix. We can simply take the x, y and z basis vectors, multiply them by the quaternion and store them back into a matrix.

Matrix4 ToMatrix(Quaternion q) {
    Vector3 r = q * Vector3(1, 0, 0); // Right basis vector
    Vector3 u = q * Vector3(0, 1, 0); // Up basis vector
    Vector3 f = q * Vector3(0, 0, 1); // Forward basis vector

    return Matrix4( // OpenGL matrix convention
        r.x, r.y, r.z, 0,
        u.x, u.y, u.z, 0,
        f.x, f.y, f.z, 0,
        0  , 0  , 0  , 1

From Matrix

Similar to how we converted a quaternion to a matrix with basis vectors, we can convert a matrix to a quaternion as well. We simply need the forward and up basis vectors of the matrix, then we can do a quaternion look at. Assuming the input matrix is generic, we should ortho-normalize it first.

Quaternion FromMatrix(Matrix4 m) {
    Vector3 up = Normalized(Vector3(m[0], m[1], m[2]));
    Vector3 forward = Normalized(Vector3(m[8], m[9], m[10]));
    Vector3 right = Cross(up, forward);
    up = Cross(forward, right);

    return lookAt(forward, up);