Highlight specific elements in a line chart

This post explains how to highlight elements in a line chart with ggplot2 and gghighlight. Highlighting elements on a chart is a very powerful dataviz technique. It leads the reader to the important message you are trying to convey, making the figure more insightful.

Linechart section Data to Viz


The dataset has three columns:

# dataset with 3 lines named "a", "b" and "c"
period = 100
df = data.frame(Date = seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"),
                           by = "day",
                           length.out = period), 
                Value = c(cumsum(rnorm(period)),
                Type = c(rep("a", period),
                         rep("b", period),
                         rep("c", period)))


For this post, we need the ggplot2 and gghighlight packages.

# Install the packages if not already done
# install.packages("ggplot2")
# install.packages("gghighlight")

# Load the package

Default line chart in ggplot2

Here’s what the default line chart output looks like with ggplot2:

Highlight specific lines

With the gghighlight() function and some criterion, we can indicate which line will be displayed.

In this case, it’s all lines where the maximum Value is greater than 10.

ggplot(df) +
  geom_line(aes(Date, Value, colour = Type)) +
  gghighlight(max(Value) > 10)

Properties of faded out lines

The gghighlight() function has an argument named unhighlighted_params that allows us to define what are the properties to use for the lines that does not meet our criterion.

In this case, we reduce the line width, change the color to blue and lower the opacity (alpha). We also change the line to dashed.

ggplot(df) +
  geom_line(aes(Date, Value, colour = Type), linewidth=1) +
  gghighlight(max(Value) > 10,
              unhighlighted_params = list(linewidth = 0.3,
                                          colour = alpha("blue", 0.7),
                                          linetype = "dashed"))

A more complex example

The gghighlight package is also very useful when combined with other packages such as hrbrthemes and patchwork.

In this example we use the power of gghighlight with the simplicity of patchwork for stacking graphs and hrbrthemes' beautiful themes.


plot1 = ggplot(df) +
  geom_line(aes(Date, Value, colour = Type), linewidth=0.4, color='#4393C3') +
  gghighlight(max(Value) > 10,
              unhighlighted_params = list(linewidth = 0.3,
                                          colour = alpha("darkred", 0.7),
                                          linetype = "dotted"),
              use_direct_label = FALSE) +
  theme_bw() + xlab("") + ylab("")

plot2 = ggplot(df) +
  geom_line(aes(Date, Value, colour = Type), linewidth=0.4, color='#4393C3') +
  gghighlight(min(Value) < -10,
              unhighlighted_params = list(linewidth = 0.3,
                                          colour = alpha("darkred", 0.7),
                                          linetype = "dotted"),
              use_direct_label = FALSE) +

plot1 / plot2 + plot_annotation(title = 'This chart is built with gghighlight')


In this post, we look at how to use the gghighlight package to highlight specific elements of a multi-part line chart. To find out more about how to customize a line chart, see the dedicated section.

Related chart types

Connected scatter
Density 2d

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