Multi groups line chart with ggplot2

This post explains how to build a line chart that represents several groups with ggplot2. It provides several examples with explanation and reproducible code.

Line chart Section About line chart

Basic version

If you’re not familiar with the geom_line() function, you should probably have a look to the most basic line chart first.

Here, the input data frame is composed by 3 columns:

  • An ordered numeric variable for the X axis
  • Another numeric variable for the Y axis
  • A categorical variable that specify the group of the observation

The idea is to draw one line per group. This is doable by specifying a different color to each group with the color argument of ggplot2.

# Libraries
library(babynames) # provide the dataset: a dataframe called babynames

# Keep only 3 names
don <- babynames %>% 
  filter(name %in% c("Ashley", "Patricia", "Helen")) %>%
# Plot
don %>%
  ggplot( aes(x=year, y=n, group=name, color=name)) +

Customize the grouped line chart

Several options are available to customize the line chart appearance:

  • Add a title with ggtitle().
  • Change line style with arguments like shape, size, color and more.
  • Use the viridis package to get a nice color palette.
  • Custom the general theme with the theme_ipsum() function of the hrbrthemes package.

More generally, visit the [ggplot2 section] for more ggplot2 related stuff.

# Libraries
library(babynames) # provide the dataset: a dataframe called babynames

# Keep only 3 names
don <- babynames %>% 
  filter(name %in% c("Ashley", "Patricia", "Helen")) %>%
# Plot
don %>%
  ggplot( aes(x=year, y=n, group=name, color=name)) +
    geom_line() +
    scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE) +
    ggtitle("Popularity of American names in the previous 30 years") +
    theme_ipsum() +
    ylab("Number of babies born")


Related chart types

Connected scatter
Density 2d

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