Among the varied offerings of tourists places in rajasthan, india, has the elephant village near amber fort , jaipur (locally known as Amer Fort ). The experience promises a flavours of exotic india to the tourists who jumps into the chance of getting closer to the wildlife and among the beautiful animals.

It's been six years since the launch of elephant village, in 2010 when few trees were planted. But six years down the line, the elephant village has been denuded by nearby villagers for fire wood, leaving the stumps to maybe regenerate in the monsoon. But The rains are just around the corner.

Elephant village is the India's first and the world's third elephant village that was meant to be a tourism product, surely this fact is not known to everyone.

And it is in a shabby place which is getting worse by the year. For so many years now nothing has been done to develop elephant village. There is no drinking water or water for the elephants to cool in. The pond has almost dried. As I observed there the elephants are beaten brutually by their handlers.

They are next brought into these venues such as , amer fort just to carry humans on their backs and become props in an entertainment display. Studies have shown that the elephants at Amber Fort in Jaipur - numbering in excess of 120 which includes approximately only 4 males and 116 females elephants. These elephants show multiple health problems like foot injuries, damaged eyes , starving , inappropriate food has been providing to them .

There is no development in six years in this elephant village. It is our government who is supposed to charge 50 rupees from the people who visit there , surely for the devlopment of the village but nothing has changed from past six years. Approximately, from the research Rs. 2.3 crores has been collected in the elephant welfare fund .

There are many problems like there are no security gaurds to take care. The pond has not been cleaned from I think, last six years which is unhealthy for the elephants as well as for the vilagers also.

Government should realize that we all are working very hard specially towards the wildlife of india. As campaigns, seminars regarding to wildlife education, there are many NGOS like , help in suffering, animal shelters and many more are there to save our wildlife .

The elephant has a rich history in India, worshipped and revered in culture. There are a urges from wildlife people, treat this majestic animal, don’t ruin it so easily.