About me

I’m a full Stack developer, eager to learn and grow every day new things to improve as a person and as a developer.

I Work with: TypeScript, React, HTML5, SASS, Rails, MySQL, Python, Git, GitHub, Mobile/Responsive, TDD.

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These are some of my apps

MCA Social

This is a Twitter redesign Ruby on Rails. I base this project on the Twitter web app. This project is a capstone project for Ruby on Rails framework. I learned a lot while I was doing the app; It was challenging at the beginning, but I overcome all the difficulties and I created a full stack application.

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HTML CSS Capstone project

This project is an assignment for the HTML/CSS capstone project base on a reference page to show the knowledge i earn into the module, I got more practice on this project and all those challenges have done before help me progress.

GitHub Live

Restaurant Landing page

I base this project on the practice for DOM manipulation with JavaScript and Webpack. This project is A landing page for a restaurant where you can visit and see the menu that is available on the restaurant, also you can see a map where the restaurant is located.

GitHub Live

TO-DO list using javaScript

I base this project on the practice for DOM manipulation with JavaScript, Webpack and working with OOP. This project is an app to create To-dos and manage your tasks with colors and priorities. You can include your to-dos on different projects, edit its details and delete the to-do if you completed it.

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