Topic Of The Week

Your Issues. Discussed.

I've never been good at not speaking my mind

Girls Who Code

Girls Who Code is a great program for girls looking to get exposed to coding and jobs in the tech industry at an early age. Their mission is to hopefully end the lack of women in technology by providing access and instruction for different coding programs. In addition, the Girls Who Code Programs provides an opportunity for networking and siterhood, as all programs come with the chance to make friendships with other girls interested in technology. Its a great opportunity and chances are their is a club near you! But, just in case their isn't there is also a summer program that offers stipends for transportation and lunch!


Fighting Algorithm Bias

Joy Buolamwini is a developer in the MIT Media Lab working to defeat the algorithm biases of today's society. Her primary focus lies in facial recognition and creating creative filters similar to Snapchat's filters. She works on training facial recognition to recognize her own face as well as the faces of other ethnicities.


Fracking is the method of injecting fluids at high pressures into an underground rock formation in order to open fissures, or cracks, and allow trapped gas or crude oil to be collected at the surface.Fracking is a crucial factor to our environmental deterioration and loss of fossil fuels. It is important to know the importance of fracking so that you can use your voice to fight it in the future.

The Real Problems with the World

A large contributing factor to Global Warming as well as other environmental issues are the maintenance of cows. We as people are so blinded by are need for meat and money effeciency. Water is wasted everyday to wash and feed these cows who produce methane that harms our ozone. Not trying to make you all vegan, but check out this video.


Although they can be super cute, cats are not typically adopted from shelters. But, what people fail to realize is that their is an overflow of cats that are in need of a family. PetSmart Charities is working to find these cats their furever home with the help of people like you! With donations, they are able to provide these lovable pets with food, shelter, water, and transportation so that they can bring these animals to different communities and find the perfect home for them. So check out this video and head on down to your local animal shelter!These animals need your help.

You can help the animals too.

  1. Contact your local legislator.(Find them in our Events page!)
  2. When getting an animal, adopt it. Avoid the pet stores and breeders.
  3. Volunteer at a local animal shelter.
  4. Donate to your local animal shelter. It doesn't always have to be money, they need supplies and spaces too!
  5. Start a club at school. The first step to change is always knowledge. Educate others and start collection drives.

Statistics on Poverty in the New York Area

What is Poverty?

It is often said that the truth is in the hands of the believer. Poverty is a concept that can be attacked from mutliple viewpoints. However, no matter what you argue, poverty will still exist. So now is the time to stop arguing. Poverty is affecting millions of families everyday and you can help. The first step is education. Watch this short video to educate yourself so you can take action. Then check out our volunteer and events page to take action!