This post explains how to build a correlogram with the corrgram
R package. It provides several reproducible examples with explanation and R
The corrgram
package allows to build correlogram. The output allows to check the relationship between each pair of a set of numeric variable.
Relationship can be visualized with different methods:
to display ellipsespanel.shade
for coloured squarespanel.pie
for pie chartspanel.pts
for scatterplots# Corrgram library
# mtcars dataset is natively available in R
# head(mtcars)
# First
corrgram(mtcars, order=TRUE, lower.panel=panel.shade, upper.panel=panel.pie, text.panel=panel.txt, main="Car Milage Data in PC2/PC1 Order")
# Second
corrgram(mtcars, order=TRUE, lower.panel=panel.ellipse, upper.panel=panel.pts, text.panel=panel.txt, diag.panel=panel.minmax, main="Car Milage Data in PC2/PC1 Order")
# Third
corrgram(mtcars, order=NULL, lower.panel=panel.shade, upper.panel=NULL, text.panel=panel.txt, main="Car Milage Data (unsorted)")
The ggcorr()
function allows to visualize the correlation of each pair of variable as a square. Note that the method
argument allows to pick the correlation type you desire.
# Quick display of two cabapilities of GGally, to assess the distribution and correlation of variables
# Create data
data <- data.frame( var1 = 1:100 + rnorm(100,sd=20), v2 = 1:100 + rnorm(100,sd=27), v3 = rep(1, 100) + rnorm(100, sd = 1))
data$v4 = data$var1 ** 2
data$v5 = -(data$var1 ** 2)
# Check correlation between variables
# Nice visualization of correlations
ggcorr(data, method = c("everything", "pearson"))
It is possible to use ggplot2 aesthetics on the chart, for instance to color each category.
# Quick display of two cabapilities of GGally, to assess the distribution and correlation of variables
# From the help page:
ggpairs(flea, columns = 2:4, ggplot2::aes(colour=species))
and lower
# Quick display of two cabapilities of GGally, to assess the distribution and correlation of variables
# From the help page:
data(tips, package = "reshape")
tips[, c(1, 3, 4, 2)],
upper = list(continuous = "density", combo = "box_no_facet"),
lower = list(continuous = "points", combo = "dot_no_facet")