
A dendrogram (or tree diagram) is a network structure. It is constituted of a root node that gives birth to several nodes connected by edges or branches. The last nodes of the hierarchy are called leaves. Many options are available to build one with R. This sections aims to lead you toward the best strategy for your data.

Two types of dendrogram

Building dendrogram with d3.js requires to have an input at the Json format, like here. The d3r package makes it a breeze to get this format from a R data frame.

Dendrogram from hierarchical data.

The ggraph package is the best option to build a dendrogram from hierarchical data with R. It is based on the grammar of graphic and thus follows the same logic that ggplot2.

The collapsibletree package is an htmlwidget: it automatically builds collapsible interactive tree diagram. On the chart below, click a node to reveal the next branch, and zoom in/out if necessary.

How to export to .png Chart code

Related chart types

Pie chart
Circular packing