Parser construction

A parser is nothing more than a class that derives from Parslet::Parser. The simplest parser that one could write would look like this:

  class SimpleParser < Parslet::Parser
    rule(:a_rule) { str('simple_parser') }

The language recognized by this parser is simply the string “simple_parser”. Parser rules do look a lot like methods and are defined by

  rule(name) { definition_block }

Behind the scenes, this really defines a method that returns whatever you return from it.

Every parser has a root. This designates where parsing should start. It is like an entry point to your parser. With a root defined like this:


you create a #parse method in your parser that will start parsing by calling the #my_root method. You’ll also have a #root (instance) method that is an alias of the root method. The following things are really one and the same:

Knowing these things gives you a lot of flexibility; I’ll explain why at the end of the chapter. For now, just let me point out that because all of this is Ruby, your favorite editor will syntax highlight parser code just fine.

Atoms: The inside of a parser

Matching strings of characters

A parser is constructed from parser atoms (or parslets, hence the name). The atoms are what appear inside your rules (and maybe elsewhere). We’ve already encountered an atom, the string atom:


This returns a Parslet::Atoms::Str instance. These parser atoms all derive from Parslet::Atoms::Base and have essentially just one method you can call: #parse. So this works:

  str('foobar').parse('foobar') # => "foobar"@0

The atoms are small parsers that can recognize languages and throw errors, just like real Parslet::Parser subclasses.

Matching character ranges

The second parser atom you will have to know about allows you to match character ranges:


The above atom would match the numbers zero through nine and the letters ‘a’ to ‘f’ – yeah, you guessed right – hexadecimal numbers for example. The inside of such a match parslet is essentially a regular expression that matches a single character of input. Because we’ll be using ranges so much with #match and because typing (‘[]’) is tiresome, here’s another way to write the above #match atom:


Character matches are instances of Parslet::Atoms::Re. Here are some more examples of character ranges:

  match['[:alnum:]']      # letters and numbers
  match['\\n']            # newlines
  match('\\w')            # word characters
  match('.')              # any character

The wild wild #any

The last example above corresponds to the regular expression /./ that matches any one character. There is a special atom for that:


Composition of Atoms

These basic atoms can be composed to form complex grammars. The following few sections will tell you about the various ways atoms can be composed.

Simple Sequences

Match ‘foo’ and then ‘bar’:

  str('foo') >> str('bar')    # same as str('foobar')

Sequences correspond to instances of the class Parslet::Atoms::Sequence.

Repetition and its Special Cases

To model atoms that can be repeated, you should use #repeat:


This will allow foo to repeat any number of times, including zero. If you look at the signature for #repeat in Parslet::Atoms::Base, you’ll see that it has really two arguments: min and max. So the following code all makes sense:

  str('foo').repeat(1)      # match 'foo' at least once
  str('foo').repeat(1,3)    # at least once and at most 3 times
  str('foo').repeat(0, nil) # the default: same as str('foo').repeat

Repetition has a special case that is used frequently: Matching something once or not at all can be achieved by repeat(0,1), but also through the prettier:

  str('foo').maybe          # same as str('foo').repeat(0,1)

These all map to Parslet::Atoms::Repetition. Please note this little twist to #maybe:

  str('foo')'')         # => {:f=>nil}
  str('foo').repeat(0,1).as(:f).parse('')   # => {:f=>[]}

The ‘nil’-value of #maybe is nil. This is catering to the intuition that foo.maybe either gives me foo or nothing at all, not an empty array. But have it your way!


The most important composition method for grammars is alternation. Without it, your grammars would only vary in the amount of things matched, but not in content. Here’s how this looks:

  str('foo') | str('bar')   # matches 'foo' OR 'bar'

This reads naturally as “‘foo’ or ‘bar’”.

Operator precedence

The operators we have chosen for parslet atom combination have the operator precedence that you would expect. No parenthesis are needed to express alternation of sequences:

  str('s') >> str('equence') | 
    str('se') >> str('quence')

And more

Parslet atoms are not as pretty as Treetop atoms. There you go, we said it. However, there seems to be a different kind of aesthetic about them; they are pure Ruby and integrate well with the rest of your environment. Have a look at this:

  # Also consumes the space after important things like ';' or ':'. Call this
  # giving the character you want to match as argument: 
  #   arg >> (spaced(',') >> arg).repeat
  def spaced(character)
    str(character) >> match["\s"]

or even this:

  # Turns any atom into an expression that matches a left parenthesis, the 
  # atom and then a right parenthesis.
  #   bracketed(sum)
  def bracketed(atom)
    spaced('(') >> atom >> spaced(')')

You might say that because parslet is just plain old Ruby objects itself (PORO ™), it allows for very tight code. Module inclusion, class inheritance, … all your tools should work well with parslet.

Tree construction

By default, parslet will just echo back to you the strings you feed into it. Parslet will not generate a parser for you and neither will it generate your abstract syntax tree for you. The method #as(name) allows you to specify exactly how you want your tree to look like:

  str('foo').parse('foo')             # => "foo"@0
  str('foo').as(:bar).parse('foo')    # => {:bar=>"foo"@0}

So you think: #as(name) allows me to create a hash, big deal. That’s not all. You’ll notice that annotating everything that you want to keep in your grammar with #as(name) autocreates a sensible tree composed of hashes and arrays and strings. It’s really somewhat magic: Parslet has a set of clever rules that merge the annotated output from your atoms into a tree. Here are some more examples, with the atom on the left and the resulting tree (assuming a successful parse) on the right:

  # Normal strings just map to strings
  str('a').repeat                         "aaa"@0                                 

  # Arrays capture repetition of non-strings
  str('a')                  {:b=>"aaa"@0}                           
  str('a').as(:b).repeat                  [{:b=>"a"@0}, {:b=>"a"@1}, {:b=>"a"@2}] 

  # Subtrees get merged - unlabeled strings discarded
  str('a').as(:a) >> str('b').as(:b)      {:a=>"a"@0, :b=>"b"@1}                  
  str('a') >> str('b').as(:b) >> str('c') {:b=>"b"@1}                             

  # #maybe will return nil, not the empty array
  str('a')                   {:a=>"a"@0}                             
  str('a')                   {:a=>nil}

And more

Now you know exactly how to create parsers using Parslet. Your parsers will output intricate structures made of endless arrays, complex hashes and a few string leftovers. But your programming skills fail you when you try to put all this data to use. Selecting keys upon keys in hash after hash, you feel like a cockroach that has just read Kafka’s works. This is no fun. This is not what you signed up for.

Time to introduce you to Parslet::Transform and its workings.