Learning Resources

This page is a collection of free available online sources for Ladybug Tools.
For the latest videos check on-demand videos page. For workshop materials check workshops page.


Getting Started with Ladybug for Dynamo

This playlist walks you through Ladybug installation for Dynamo and basic features of the plugin.

Getting Started with Ladybug for Grasshopper

This playlist walks you through Ladybug installation for Grasshopper and basic features of the plugin.

Ladybug Comfort Tutorials

A series of videos showing how to use the Ladybug comfort components in Grasshopper.

How to Use Ladybug Sunpath Component

This vintage playlist shows you how to use sunpath in Ladybug for Grasshopper.

Ladybug Workshop at PennDesign April 2014

This series is 6 videos recorded from a full day Ladybug workshop for MEBD students at PennDesign Many of the component has changed from 2014 but most of the workflows is still very similar.

Honeybee Daylighting Workshop @PennDesign April 2014

This series is 6 videos recorded from a full day Ladybug workshop for MEBD students at PennDesign Many of the component has changed from 2014 but most of the workflows is still very similar.

Honeybee Energy Modeling

This comprehensive playlist shows you how to use Honeybee for Grasshopper for energy modeling.

Envelope Design with Honeybee THERM

A 10-video 3-hour series on the fundementals of Honeybee THERM workflows.

Getting Started with Butterfly

This playlist shows how you can install OpenFOAM for Windows and learn more about Butterfly and Butterfly plugins.

Getting Started with Butterfly for Grasshopper

Watch these videos to get started with Butterfly for Grasshopper. This playlist shows you how to install Butterfly for Grashopper and set up indoor and outdoor analysis.

Getting Started with Butterfly for Dynamo

Watch these videos to get started with Butterfly in Dynamo. This playlist shows you how to install Butterfly for Dynamo and set up indoor and outdoor analysis.