Quadrature Rule Applied to Test Integrals

QUADRATURE_TEST is a MATLAB program which reads three files that define a quadrature rule, applies the quadrature rule to a set of test integrals, and reports the results.

The quadrature rule is defined by three text files:

  1. the "X" file lists the abscissas (N rows, M columns);
  2. the "W" file lists the weights (N rows);
  3. the "R" file lists the integration region corners (2 rows, M columns);
For more on quadrature rules, see the QUADRATURE_RULES listing below.

The test integrals come from the TEST_NINT library.

The list of integrand functions includes:

  1. f(x) = ( sum ( x(1:m) ) )**2;
  2. f(x) = ( sum ( 2 * x(1:m) - 1 ) )**4;
  3. f(x) = ( sum ( x(1:m) ) )**5;
  4. f(x) = ( sum ( 2 * x(1:m) - 1 ) )**6;
  5. f(x) = 1 / ( 1 + sum ( 2 * x(1:m) ) );
  6. f(x) = product ( 2 * abs ( 2 * x(1:m) - 1 ) );
  7. f(x) = product ( pi / 2 ) * sin ( pi * x(1:m) );
  8. f(x) = ( sin ( (pi/4) * sum ( x(1:m) ) ) )**2;
  9. f(x) = exp ( sum ( c(1:m) * x(1:m) ) );
  10. f(x) = sum ( abs ( x(1:m) - 0.5 ) );
  11. f(x) = exp ( sum ( abs ( 2 * x(1:m) - 1 ) ) );
  12. f(x) = product ( 1 <= i <= m ) ( i * cos ( i * x(i) ) );
  13. f(x) = product ( 1 <= i <= m ) t(n(i))(x(i)), t(n(i)) is a Chebyshev polynomial;
  14. f(x) = sum ( 1 <= i <= m ) (-1)**i * product ( 1 <= j <= i ) x(j);
  15. f(x) = product ( 1 <= i <= order ) x(mod(i-1,m)+1);
  16. f(x) = sum ( abs ( x(1:m) - x0(1:m) ) );
  17. f(x) = sum ( ( x(1:m) - x0(1:m) )**2 );
  18. f(x) = 1 inside an m-dimensional sphere around x0(1:m), 0 outside;
  19. f(x) = product ( sqrt ( abs ( x(1:m) - x0(1:m) ) ) );
  20. f(x) = ( sum ( x(1:m) ) )**power;
  21. f(x) = c * product ( x(1:m)^e(1:m) ) on the surface of an m-dimensional unit sphere;
  22. f(x) = c * product ( x(1:m)^e(1:m) ) in an m-dimensional ball;
  23. f(x) = c * product ( x(1:m)^e(1:m) ) in the unit m-dimensional simplex;
  24. f(x) = product ( abs ( 4 * x(1:m) - 2 ) + c(1:m) ) / ( 1 + c(1:m) ) );
  25. f(x) = exp ( c * product ( x(1:m) ) );
  26. f(x) = product ( c(1:m) * exp ( - c(1:m) * x(1:m) ) );
  27. f(x) = cos ( 2 * pi * r + sum ( c(1:m) * x(1:m) ) ),
    Genz "Oscillatory";
  28. f(x) = 1 / product ( c(1:m)**2 + (x(1:m) - x0(1:m))**2),
    Genz "Product Peak";
  29. f(x) = 1 / ( 1 + sum ( c(1:m) * x(1:m) ) )**(m+r),
    Genz "Corner Peak";
  30. f(x) = exp(-sum(c(1:m)**2 * ( x(1:m) - x0(1:m))**2 ) ),
    Genz "Gaussian";
  31. f(x) = exp ( - sum ( c(1:m) * abs ( x(1:m) - x0(1:m) ) ) ), Genz "Continuous";
  32. f(x) = exp(sum(c(1:m)*x(1:m)) for x(1:m) <= x0(1:m), 0 otherwise,
    Genz "Discontinuous";


quadrature_test ( 'prefix' )
the common prefix for the files containing the abscissa (X), weight (W) and region (R) information of the quadrature rule;

If the arguments are not supplied on the command line, the program will prompt for them.


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


QUADRATURE_TEST is available in a C++ version and a FORTRAN90 version and a MATLAB version.

Related Data and Programs:

INTEGRAL_TEST, a FORTRAN90 program which uses test integrals to evaluate sets of quadrature points.

NINT_EXACTNESS, a MATLAB program which demonstrates how to measure the polynomial exactness of a multidimensional quadrature rule.

QUADRATURE_RULES, a dataset directory which contains a description and examples of quadrature rules defined by a set of "X", "W" and "R" files.

QUADRATURE_TEST_2D, a MATLAB program which reads files defining a 2D quadrature rule, and applies them to all the test integrals defined by TEST_INT_2D.

STROUD, a MATLAB library which contains quadrature rules for a variety of unusual areas, surfaces and volumes in 2D, 3D and N-dimensions.

TEST_NINT, a MATLAB library which defines a set of integrand functions to be used for testing multidimensional quadrature rules and routines.

TESTPACK, a MATLAB library which defines a set of integrands used to test multidimensional quadrature.


  1. JD Beasley, SG Springer,
    Algorithm AS 111: The Percentage Points of the Normal Distribution,
    Applied Statistics,
    Volume 26, 1977, pages 118-121.
  2. Paul Bratley, Bennett Fox, Harald Niederreiter,
    Implementation and Tests of Low-Discrepancy Sequences,
    ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation,
    Volume 2, Number 3, July 1992, pages 195-213.
  3. Roger Broucke,
    Algorithm 446: Ten Subroutines for the Manipulation of Chebyshev Series,
    Communications of the ACM,
    Volume 16, 1973, pages 254-256.
  4. William Cody, Kenneth Hillstrom,
    Chebyshev Approximations for the Natural Logarithm of the Gamma Function, Mathematics of Computation,
    Volume 21, Number 98, April 1967, pages 198-203.
  5. Richard Crandall,
    Projects in Scientific Computing,
    Springer, 2005,
    ISBN: 0387950095,
    LC: Q183.9.C733.
  6. Philip Davis, Philip Rabinowitz,
    Methods of Numerical Integration,
    Second Edition,
    Dover, 2007,
    ISBN: 0486453391,
    LC: QA299.3.D28.
  7. Gerald Folland,
    How to Integrate a Polynomial Over a Sphere,
    American Mathematical Monthly,
    Volume 108, Number 5, May 2001, pages 446-448.
  8. Leslie Fox, Ian Parker,
    Chebyshev Polynomials in Numerical Analysis,
    Oxford Press, 1968,
    LC: QA297.F65.
  9. Alan Genz,
    Testing Multidimensional Integration Routines,
    in Tools, Methods, and Languages for Scientific and Engineering Computation,
    edited by B Ford, JC Rault, F Thomasset,
    North-Holland, 1984, pages 81-94.
  10. Alan Genz,
    A Package for Testing Multiple Integration Subroutines,
    in Numerical Integration: Recent Developments, Software and Applications,
    edited by Patrick Keast, Graeme Fairweather,
    D Reidel, 1987, pages 337-340.
  11. Kenneth Hanson,
    Quasi-Monte Carlo: halftoning in high dimensions?
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    LC: QA297.C64.
  13. Stephen Joe, Frances Kuo
    Remark on Algorithm 659: Implementing Sobol's Quasirandom Sequence Generator,
    ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,
    Volume 29, Number 1, March 2003, pages 49-57.
  14. David Kahaner, Cleve Moler, Steven Nash,
    Numerical Methods and Software,
    Prentice Hall, 1989,
    ISBN: 0-13-627258-4,
    LC: TA345.K34.
  15. Bradley Keister,
    Multidimensional Quadrature Algorithms,
    Computers in Physics,
    Volume 10, Number 2, March/April, 1996, pages 119-122.
  16. Arnold Krommer, Christoph Ueberhuber,
    Numerical Integration on Advanced Compuer Systems,
    Springer, 1994,
    ISBN: 3540584102,
    LC: QA299.3.K76.
  17. Anargyros Papageorgiou, Joseph Traub,
    Faster Evaluation of Multidimensional Integrals,
    Computers in Physics,
    Volume 11, Number 6, November/December 1997, pages 574-578.
  18. Thomas Patterson,
    On the Construction of a Practical Ermakov-Zolotukhin Multiple Integrator,
    in Numerical Integration: Recent Developments, Software and Applications,
    edited by Patrick Keast and Graeme Fairweather,
    D. Reidel, 1987, pages 269-290.
  19. Arthur Stroud,
    Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals,
    Prentice Hall, 1971,
    ISBN: 0130438936,
    LC: QA311.S85.
  20. Arthur Stroud, Don Secrest,
    Gaussian Quadrature Formulas,
    Prentice Hall, 1966,
    LC: QA299.4G3S7.
  21. Xiaoqun Wang, Kai-Tai Fang,
    The Effective Dimension and quasi-Monte Carlo Integration,
    Journal of Complexity,
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Source Code:

Examples and Tests:

CC_D2_LEVEL4 is a Clenshaw-Curtis sparse grid quadrature rule in dimension 2 of level 4, 65 points.

CC_D2_LEVEL5 is a Clenshaw-Curtis sparse grid quadrature rule in dimension 2 of level 5, 145 points.

CC_D6_LEVEL0 is a Clenshaw-Curtis sparse grid quadrature rule in dimension 6 of level 0, 1 point.

CC_D6_LEVEL1 is a Clenshaw-Curtis sparse grid quadrature rule in dimension 6 of level 1, 13 points.

CC_D6_LEVEL2 is a Clenshaw-Curtis sparse grid quadrature rule in dimension 6 of level 2, 85 points.

CC_D6_LEVEL3 is a Clenshaw-Curtis sparse grid quadrature rule in dimension 6 of level 3, 389 points.

CC_D6_LEVEL4 is a Clenshaw-Curtis sparse grid quadrature rule in dimension 6 of level 4, 1457 points.

CC_D6_LEVEL5 is a Clenshaw-Curtis sparse grid quadrature rule in dimension 6 of level 5, 4865 points.

You can go up one level to the MATLAB source codes.

Last revised on 11 November 2009.