Menu Path: System State>Export Tools

Write Access Rights:

  • Log in to Management Console
  • Generate system information

Generate System State export tool creates a ZIP archive of the current system state, providing a simple way of collecting general information about the deployment and system when requesting support:

Generate System State copies all Rhapsody logs. You must ensure the Rhapsody log files do not contain any private health information (this may happen, for example, if custom filters or communication points have been written that do not follow best practices by logging message contents to the Rhapsody log file).

Generating System State Archive from the Management Console

To generate a system state ZIP archive from the Management Console:

  1. Navigate to System State>Export Tools to display Export Tools page:

  2. Click the Start button to generate a ZIP file or, if there is a previously generated ZIP file, the Regenerate button to regenerate the ZIP archive:

    If the Rhapsody deployment contains a large configuration and or logs, the Zip file may take several minutes to generate. The Download link appears after the Zip file generation is complete. When the configuration and logs are large, the ZIP file generated is also large. The Generate System State export tool warns you if there is not enough disk space available. Refer to the Configuring Generate System State Export Tool for details on how to configure the output directory where the resulting ZIP files are to be placed.

  3. Click on the Download link to download the generated Zip file to your local machine. Check the date the Zip file was generated on before downloading, as old Zip files may not accurately reflect the current system state.

Generating System State Archive from the Command Line

You can also invoke the Generate System State export tool from command line. To generate a system state Zip archive from the command line:

  1. Navigate to tools/GenerateSystemState in the Rhapsody installation directory.
  2. Check the configuration file generateSystemState.conf exists in this directory. If it does not exist, Rhapsody may not have been started after upgrading. Rhapsody needs to have been started at least once after upgrading before the command line export tool is available.
  3. Run the command generateSystemState.bat (Windows) or (Unix). The following parameters can be used when invoking the command:

    Parameter Description
    -d <Rhapsody installation directory>

    Path to the Rhapsody install directory (required).

    -o <ZIP output directory>

    Path to output directory (required).

    Earlier copies of support ZIP files and temporary files are removed from this directory.


    Skip copying of configuration files.


    Collect system information only.


    Clear output directory without prompt.


    Verbose logging output.

If Rhapsody is running and Generate System State export tool is invoked from the command line, the Rhapsody data directories config and store are not included in the ZIP archive. It is recommended you invoke Generate System State export tool from the Management Console when Rhapsody is running.

System State ZIP File Structure

The following information is included in the generated support ZIP archive:

File/Directory in ZIP archive Description
version.txt Gives the Rhapsody version number

XML report giving a summary of the system state. This report includes:

  • Rhapsody version
  • Time and timezone
  • Hostname
  • Domain name
  • Operating system
  • System architecture
  • Rhapsody installation location
  • Disk space free in the Rhapsody installation directory and data directory.
  • Installed licenses
  • System memory details
  • CPU details
log4jLogs This directory within the Zip file holds a copy of the Rhapsody text-based logs.

This directory holds a selection of configuration files within the Rhapsody installation directory:

  • bin/wrapper.conf
  • bin/wrapper-license.conf
  • bin/wrapper-local.conf
  • bin/wrapper-platform.conf
  • Copy of the licenses directory
  • rhapsody/ (text-based logging configuration)
  • rhapsody/ (Rhapsody configuration)

This directory holds a copy of several Rhapsody data directories:

  • config
  • idgeneration
  • lib
  • logs (Rhapsody binary logs)
  • lookuptable
  • modules
  • store

If a data directory is empty, it does not appear in the ZIP file.


This directory holds a number of reports on the system, including the following:

  • dataDiskUsage.txt - lists the size of directories under the data directory in order of size. 
  • dataFileList.txt - lists files in the data directory. 
  • installFileList.txt - lists files in the install directory. 
  • cpuInformation.txt - lists details of the CPU and CPU cores on the system.
  • diskFreeInformation.txt - lists the free disk space available for each mounted filesystem. 
  • freeMemoryInformation.txt - lists the amount of free memory on the system. 
  • networkInformation.txt - lists the network details of the system, including hostname, IP address etc. 
  • networkInterfaces.xml - lists the network interfaces setup on the system.
  • processStatusInformation.txt - tab-delimited report on all processes currently running on the system. 
  • routeInformation.txt - lists network routes on the system, including destination, gateway, interface etc.
  • systemInformation.txt - textual report on the system covering the operating system, CPU, memory etc.
  • systemUptimeInformation.txt - uptime of the system. 

Configuring Generate System State Export Tool

The output directory where the ZIP archive file is placed can be configured by update the file. 


Property Description Default Value


The Generate System State export tool output directory. The path given is relative to the Rhapsody install directory, unless an absolute path is given
