The following table describes the icons used in Management Console:

Rhapsody checks the schedule in the watchlist at the time an issue is raised. An issue is raised by Rhapsody and the associated component is configured to notify a watchlist.

Activity Feed Icons



Alarm - represents an alarm level for an issue. An alarm is raised when the user has configured to be notified about changes in a specific component in Rhapsody.

Warning - represents a warning level for an issue. A warning is raised when the user has configured to be notified about changes in a specific component in Rhapsody.

Escalated - indicates that an issue has been escalated. An escalation is indicated when an alarm remains unresolved for a length of time.

Dismissed - represents an issue that has had its warning or alarm level dismissed by the user.

Historical Issue - represents an issue that has been historically resolved.

Comment - represents a comment made by a user.


Assigned - indicates that an item has been assigned to a user.

Log Entry - indicates a log entry.


Suspended - indicates if an alarm or warning has been suspended.

General Icons



Add New Item - indicates a button to add a new item.

Remove Item - indicates a button to remove an item.


Drag indicator - indicates an item that can be dragged and moved.

Closed Locker - indicates a collapsed locker.
Open Locker - indicates an expanded locker.

Closed Folder - indicates a collapsed folder.

Open Folder - indicates an expanded folder, or a button to browse components.

Important - flags an item as being important.

Refresh - a button to refresh displayed information.