Menu Path : Reports>Message Latency

Read Access Rights:

  • Log in to Management Console
  • Generate message latency reports

Write Access Rights:

  • Export message latency statistics
  • View message body
  • View message property

Message latency is a measure of the time that a message spends inside the Rhapsody engine. You can view message latency statistics from the Management Console.

Generating or Exporting Reports

To view or export Message Latency statistics:

  1. Navigate to Reports>Message Latency to display the Message Latency page:


  2. Enter the following details:




    Enter the start date and time for your generated report (set to 24 hours before the current time by default).


    Enter the end date and time for your generated report.

    Time Zone

    If you want to export the data using UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) as the time zone, select the Export Times Using UTC checkbox.

    If this option is not selected, the data is exported using the local time of the Rhapsody engine, which could potentially result in time discrepancies if a daylight saving changeover occurs during the period the statistics were collected.


    Select an input communication point receiving the message from an external source.


    Select an output communication point from which the message left Rhapsody.

  3. Choose one of the following options:

    If you want to


    Generate an on-screen display of the collected statistics

    Click the Generate Report button. Refer to Message Latency Report for details.

    Export message latency statistics

    Click the Export Raw CSV Data link. The data is exported as a zipped .csv file.

    You must have permission to export message latency statistics to view the Export Raw CSV Data link.

  4. When you have finished, click the Discard Report link to clear the Message Latency report.

Message Latency Report

The Message Latency report includes a chart displaying the variation in the average time spent by the message in the Rhapsody engine, in milliseconds. The table below the chart lists the message count, mean latency period, standard deviation (a measure of how much the values deviated from the mean), and minimum and maximum processing times.

Message Latency reports are generated from messages in the output queue archive. If a messages is discarded without being sent, then it is not placed in the archive, and therefore not included in the generated report.

Message Details

By clicking the View Message link, you can open the Message View page to display the details of the message taking the longest time to process in any of the chart's time divisions. Message View can be useful for debugging, for example determining why some messages are slower than expected.

The View Message link requires the 'View message body' or 'View message property' access right on the appropriate locker.

Zoomed View

You can zoom into a particular section of the graph by selecting the section with your mouse. By clicking the Reset Graph link, you can reset the zoomed in view of the messages.

Data Points

By placing your mouse pointer over any a data point on the graph, you can view the actual latency period at that point in time.

Error Handling

Error Type

Error Message

No date and time values entered in the From field.

From time is a required field.

Either date or time value not entered in the From field.

From time is invalid.

If characters not recognized as date or time values are entered, the date or time input turns red.

No date and time values entered in the To field.

To time is a required field.

Either date or time value not entered in the To field.

To time is invalid.

If characters not recognized as date or time values are entered, the date or time input turns red.

Value in the To field older than the value in the From field

From time must not be after To time.

Communication point not selected in Output field.

Output is a required field.