Menu Path : Monitoring>Communication Points

Read Access Rights:

  • Log in to Management Console
  • View locker

Write Access Rights:

  • Edit locker
  • Start/stop communication points
  • Start/stop communication points with scheduling enabled
  • Change communication point log level
  • Edit component notifications
  • Edit component notification Thresholds
  • Export system statistics
  • Suspend/resume component and issue notifications

The Communication Points page displays a list of all communication points, along with their type, state, connections and a count of the messages awaiting transmission:

The following table describes the communication point information displayed on this page:

Table Column


Communication Point

The name and status of the communication point. Click the communication point name to display the details of the communication point Communication Point Details page.

The status of the communication point is indicated by one of the following icons:

Icon State Description

The communication point is running.

Stopped The communication point has stopped
Stopped in Error The communication point has stopped in error.
Retrying The communication point is trying to re-establish a connection. For example, a TCP Client communication point can have a status of Retrying if it loses its connection to the TCP Server, or if it cannot connect within the specified timeframe.
Running without a Connection The communication point is running without a connection, and has a connection threshold specified.
Not Configured The communication point is not configured.

A clock icon superimposed on the status icon indicates the communication point has scheduling enabled.

Type The type of the communication point.
Status The status of the communication point.


Enables you to start or stop a communication point depending on its status. To change the status of a communication point, in the Action column, click the Start or Stop link for that communication point. Alternatively:

  • Select communication points from the list and click the Start or Stop button at the bottom of the list.
  • Click the name to display the Communication Point Details page, then click the Start or Stop link to change its status.

You can only start or stop communication points with scheduling enabled if you have the 'Start/stop communication points with scheduling enabled' access right. In the absence of appropriate permissions, the Start or Stop actions are disabled.


The number of active connections.

In Queue

The number of unprocessed messages on a communication point.

Out Queue

The number of messages waiting to be sent on an output communication point.

Failed Queue

The number of unprocessed failed messages on a communication point. This information is available when the communication point is configured to continue routing on failure using Advanced Routing.


The number of messages received by a communication point.


The number of messages sent by a communication point.

Failed The number of failed messages processed by a communication point. This information is available when the communication point is configured to continue routing on failure using Advanced Routing.

Idle Time

The length of time since the communication point last processed a message. 

Viewing Components

You can use the following actions to configure how the list of communication points is displayed:



List View
Enables you to switch from tree view to list view.
Tree View
Enables you to switch from list view to tree view.
Collapse All

Enables you to collapse all folders (in tree view only).

Expand All
Enables you to expand all folders (in tree view only).

Filtering Components

You can use the following actions to filter the list of communication points:



Filter Buttons

Enable you to filter the list based on component operational status or issue severity status.

Search Field

Enables you to filter the list based on component name or component type using a regular expression. The Management Console supports Java Regex. The following characters, which are allowed in component names, must be prepended with a backslash in order to be used as special characters in the regular expression: "." (period), "+" (plus), "(" (open parenthesis), ")" (close parenthesis), "^" (caret).

Configuring Components

You can perform the following actions on communication points in the list:




Start the selected communication points.


Stop the selected communication points.

Reset Counters

Click the Reset Counters link to reset the message counts for the selected communication points.

The count is user specific.

Change Notification Thresholds

Click the Change Notification Thresholds link to set up custom thresholds for the selected components. Refer to Change Thresholds for details.

Add Notifications

Click the Add Notifications link to set up notifications for the selected communication point. Refer to Notifications for details.

You can only add recipients from the components list page. To reset default notification settings or remove notifications for a user, click the Change link in the Notifications section on the Communication Point Details page, select the Remove icon for a user from the Add Notifications dialog and select the Apply button.

Suspend Notifications

Click the Suspend Notifications link to stop sending text messages, pager messages, emails and SNMP to notify of any Warnings, Alarms and Escalations that are raised.

Resume Notifications

Click the Resume Notifications link to resume sending text messages, pager messages, emails and SNMP to notify of any Warnings, Alarms and Escalations that are raised.

Change Log Level

Click the Change Log Level link to display the Change Log Level dialog, where you can set the log level for the selected communication points from Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, Error and Fatal