Menu Path : Monitoring>REST Clients

Read Access Rights:

  • Log in to Management Console
  • View locker

Write Access Rights:

  • Edit locker
  • Change REST client log level

The REST Clients page displays a list of all the REST clients along with their current status:

The following table describes the REST client information displayed on this page:



REST Client

The name and status of the REST client. Click the REST client name to display the REST client details on the REST Client Details page.

The status of the REST client is indicated by the following icons:

  •  - the REST client is configured
  •  - the REST client is not configured.
Status The status of the REST client.
Protocol The protocol used to send REST requests.
Hostname The hostname of the server which the REST requests are to be sent to.
Port The port on which the REST requests are to be sent.


The number of messages sent.


The length of time (in seconds, minutes, hours or days) since the REST client's modifications were checked in, or the engine was restarted.

Idle Time

The length of time (in seconds, minutes, hours or days) since a request was last processed by the REST client.

Viewing Components

You can use the following actions to configure how the list of REST clients is displayed:



List View Enables you to switch from tree view to list view.
Tree View Enables you to switch from list view to tree view.
Collapse All

Enables you to collapse all folders (in tree view only).

Expand All Enables you to expand all folders (in tree view only).

Filtering Components

You can use the following actions to filter the list of REST clients:



Filter buttons

Enable you to filter the list based on component operational status or issue severity status.

Search field

Enables you to filter the list based on component name using a regular expression. The Management Console supports Java Regex. The following characters, which are allowed in component names, must be prepended with a backslash in order to be used as special characters in the regular expression: "." (period), "+" (plus), "(" (open parenthesis), ")" (close parenthesis), "^" (caret).

Configuring Components

You can perform the following actions on REST clients in the list:



Reset Counters

Click the Reset Counters link to reset the request counts for the selected REST client.

Change Log Level

Click the Change Log Level link to display the Change Log Level dialog, where you can set the log level for the selected REST Clients from TraceDebugInfoWarnError and Fatal.

The log level you select on the Change Log Level dialog will be applied to all the selected REST Clients.